L.G. McPeters: Just had another cursin' caller. Your little ass is gonna be in big trouble with that tape girl.
Drayton: S-C-E-X, sex. Ya had to find out about it, didn't ya?
Drayton: You coonshits, you fudge packers, you'll be the death of me yet.
Drayton: Who sentcha? Those sissies over at Delmar catering? That chicken-shit burrito man?
Drayton: Grandpa's strict liquid diet keeps him as fresh as a rose.
Drayton: It's a dog eat dog world and from where I sit there just ain't enough damn dogs.
Lefty: I'm the Lord of the Harvest.
Drayton: What's that? Some new health food bunch?
Lefty: One of those boys was so crazy he sawed his own head off going 90 miles per hour.
L.G. McPeters: Look, darlin'. Built ya a little fry house.
Chop Top: NAM flashback.
Drayton: The small bussinessman... always, always, always gets it in the ass.
Answer: No, the hitchhiker was killed in the first movie when he's hit by a truck. His corpse is the body that Leatherface uses as a puppet during the opening scene. (He's nicknamed "Nubbins.") Chop-Top is supposed to be one of Leatherface's other brothers. According to director Tobe Hooper, Chop-Top was away in Vietnam during the events of the first movie.