
Dragonfly (2002)

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Continuity mistake: When Joe is leaving the dinner party after talking to the grief counselor, he puts on his jacket and the collar of his sweater is flat underneath it. The camera cuts away and when you see him again his collar is standing up closer to his neck. Then the camera cuts away and his collar is flat under his jacket when it comes back to him again.


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Joe Darrow: You've been flying long, Victor?
Victor: Don't worry, I know how.
Joe Darrow: You have a license though, right?
Victor: Si, pretty much.

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Trivia: When the movie shows that Joe is selling his house, there's a real estate sign. Notice carefully it says, "Curtiss Real Estate", this is named after the person at the credits "In Loving Memory of Katherine Ann Curtiss." (01:38:40)

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