Continuity mistake: When Frodo is pulling Sam out of the water at the very end of the movie, the underwater shots show Sam's hand grasping Frodo's wrist (Frodo's palm is against the inside of Sam's wrist), but as soon as he gets him above water, Frodo has a grip on Sam that forces Sam to keep his palm facing away from Frodo's arm (Frodo's palm is against the back of Sam's arm). Short of releasing Sam completely, there is no way to change grip like that in between the two shots. (01:31:05)
Continuity mistake: When Frodo rescues Sam he grabs hold of his wrist and pulls him into the boat. In the shot in which Frodo grabs hold of the side of the boat with his left hand while pulling Sam into the boat with his right hand, we see the large brown mat on the floor of the boat. In this shot the mat is under Frodo's legs and Sam's sword is not at all under his cloak. In the following shot behind Frodo as Sam is trying to sit up the mat is not under Frodo's legs but only under Sam, and Sam's sword is now entirely under his cloak. (01:31:10)
Continuity mistake: When Frodo rescues a drowning Sam, once Sam is in the boat, when the camera faces Sam, it is clear that the boat remains perpendicular to the shoreline, as they speak and hug. However, in the wide shot of them hugging, the boat is parallel to the shore. Another close-up on Sam and the boat is still perpendicular to the shoreline. In the next wide shot, they row away, and head for the Eastern shore. (01:31:20)
Continuity mistake: After Frodo rescues a drowning Sam and Sam declares that he made a promise not to leave Frodo, they embrace. In the first two close-ups, Frodo is clutching Sam's shoulder with his right hand, and his right arm doesn't go all the way around Sam's back. In the far wide shot, Frodo's arms go over Sam's shoulder and reach all the way around Sam's back in a tight hug. In the very next close-up, they are in the exact same positions as in the previous close-up. Since these are successive shots, the excuse can not be made that in the wide shot, Frodo put his arm around Sam differently. (01:31:40)
Continuity mistake: Boromir approaches the statue that holds the shards of Narsil. First we see the shards laid out on the crinkled grey cloth, with two short ends draped over the edge. Then as he takes the hilt the cloth bunches up (seen on fullscreen), and he cuts his finger on the 'still sharp' blade. In the close-up when he carelessly places the hilt back onto the cloth - as it starts to fall, the cloth (which is now darker) is spread out much straighter, more cloth drapes over the left edge, and the shards are spaced somewhat differently than the previous shot. When Boromir walks away, there is a very short amount of cloth that is draped over the right edge, near the statue's fingers. Then, when Aragorn lifts the hilt off the floor, as he rises, both ends of the cloth that are draped over the edge are now much, much, longer, and the top of the cloth is crinkled, with the shards spaced similarly to the first shot. (01:33:55)
Continuity mistake: When the Fellowship meets in Rivendell, and Gimli tries to break the Ring with his axe, the axe breaks into many pieces on the platform upon which the Ring is laid. At first, the pieces are there in the close-up view. When the camera pans back for a long range view of the Fellowship, the pieces of the axe on the platform are gone. In the following close-up, the pieces magically reappear. (01:37:15)
Continuity mistake: At the Council of Elrond, as Frodo puts the Ring on the stone table, the bottom of both sides of Legolas' cloak are on his knees. As Gandalf says, "For the Black Speach of Mordor, may yet be heard," the bottom right of Legolas' cloak is between his legs. As Boromir says, "Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay," the bottom right of Legolas' cloak is now at his side. When Aragorn says, "You can not wield it, none of us can," the bottom right of Legolas' cloak is between his legs. Just before Legolas rises to say, "This is no mere Ranger," the bottom of both sides of Legolas' cloak are on his knees again. (01:37:55)
Continuity mistake: When Legolas identifies the moving cloud as Crebain from Dunland, everybody hides and when they pass Gandalf is seen standing back up from behind a large rock. The camera angle changes and he is seen again standing up but this time it's from behind a different rock. (01:38:03)
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Saruman is using his magical powers to bring an avalanche down on Cahadras the group is seen in a close-up to bend over and move against the wall to protect themselves from the falling snow. The camera angle changes to a wide view and the group is seen as just standing there. (01:40:36)

Continuity mistake: At the Council of Elrond, when Gimli says, "I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an Elf!" in the close-up shot the two Elves on the sides of Legolas stand up. In the next wide shot the Elf on Legolas' right is just getting up. (01:42:45)
Continuity mistake: At the Council of Elrond, the first time Frodo says, "I will take it," in the back shot of Gandalf as he argues with Boromir there is a grey cloaked Elf behind him. In the next front wide shot of Gandalf, the green cloaked Elf stands behind him to his right. As Frodo repeats, "I will take it," then says, "I will take the Ring to Mordor," Gandalf turns around and the grey cloaked Elf is behind him. The Council scene took five days to shoot and there were many different variations of the same shots. (01:43:20)
Continuity mistake: In the scene at the Council of Elrond, in Rivendell, after Frodo has placed the Ring on the stone table, the council argues about who will take the Ring. Just a moment before Gandalf does that touching look towards Frodo, he starts yelling at Boromir. His posture and action in the wider angle shot do not match that close-up moment. Extended edition. (01:43:25)
Continuity mistake: At the Council of Elrond, when Merry and Pippin run up and yell, "We're coming too. You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!" Elrond's eye contact does not line up with the Hobbits, as they run past him towards Frodo. Then in the Hobbits' close-up, their height reaches just under Gandalf's and Legolas' shoulders, but in the wide shot the Hobbits are much, much, shorter. (01:44:50)
Continuity mistake: When Gandalf gets the doors open to the mines, the doors open and you can see Gimli's axe on the right. The camera angle changes to a close-up of Gimli and he is seen in a sitting position smoking his pipe turning his head to the doors. The camera angle changes to a wide shot and he is seen standing with his axe in his hand. (01:45:25)
Continuity mistake: Upon the Fellowship entering the Chamber of Mazarbul and discovering the tomb of Gimli's cousin Balin, a ray of light is shown shining into the room from the side opposite to the entrance: the side with the long drop later featured prominently by Pippin. After exiting the chamber, another ray of light is shown shining into the tomb from the opposite side it was earlier depicted, appearing to enter the chamber from the entrance side through a small hole above and slightly to the right of the door. No such ray of light, or hole, is seen prior to the Fellowship entering the chamber: the direction of the light just completely flips upon them exiting the room. (01:52:50 - 02:01:45)
Continuity mistake: When Aragorn tries to save Frodo from the Troll, the Troll throws Aragorn against a wall, and when the camera angle changes to a close-up of Aragorn he is seen lying flat on his back up against a different wall. When he crawls over to Frodo later, the background is the original wall. (01:59:10)
Continuity mistake: When the Cave Troll stabs Frodo, and then you see Sam close up and yelling "Frodo" He has 2 bloody cuts on his left cheek, and near his lip. But when the Troll is killed, and he slowly approaches Frodo, the cuts are moved further back, so they aren't as noticeable. But when Gandalf 'dies', and you can see Sam close up again, crying, the cuts have vanished all together. (The second timecode is when the cut vanishes all together). (01:59:50 - 02:09:50)
Continuity mistake: When Gandalf is facing off with the Balrog on the bridge, he is seen from a wide camera angle as having his illuminated staff directly in front of him. When the camera angle switches to a close up, the staff is no longer in front of him. The camera angle changes to a wide view and the staff is seen in front of him again. (02:07:33)
Continuity mistake: When the Lady of The Woods meets privately with Frodo, she grabs a pitcher and fills it with water. She is seen holding the handle with her hand about half way down the middle. The camera angle changes and she is now holding the handle at the top of it. The camera angle changes again and she is seen with her hand back in the middle of the handle. (02:18:34)
Continuity mistake: This mistake is at the end of the film, when the Orcs are walking outside Saruman's tower going to catch the Hobbits. The colour of the sky changes between grey and blue. (02:20:00 - 02:21:00)
Answer: It is a different staff. Look at the branches at the top of the staff.
Garlonuss ★