Black Dog

Other mistake: Crews is talking to his wife by telephone and says he is in North Carolina. The signage shows he is at the I-85/I-26 interchange in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Black Dog mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Toward the end when Crews runs in with Red he first knocks his right headlight out, later it is back in, then it's out again. (01:21:40)

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Earl: One fart and you're walkin'.

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Question: Is the whole thing with truckers seeing "a black dog" when they have been on the road too long true, or made up purely for the film?


Chosen answer: It's an old trucker's myth that has been around for a long time. There's no known origin for the story, but supposedly when truckers become drowsy, they can see a demon-like black canine of some sort running along the side of the road. This legend was incorporated into the movie.


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