Question: The police find the accomplice's body in the trailer. In the last scenes the same body appears in the trunk of the car before it explodes. How did it get there if police had discovered it earlier?
Question: Who played Al Dutcher? He was the bank robber in the clown mask who was killed in the first few minutes.
Answer: The Internet Movie Database lists actor-stuntman Fred Scheiwiller as the cast member who played Al Dutcher. Scheiwiller had a fairly impressive filmography as a supporting actor before his death in 2001.
Question: What kind of plane did Varrick use in the chase in the end with molly? could someone please answer this?
Answer: That is a Boeing 'Stearman' biplane.
Chosen answer: The police never find Harman (the dead guy). Charley was hiding outside the trailer when Harman was killed and he's the one who found him and took his body. When the police bust into the trailer, no one (dead or alive) is there.