Officer Bookman: My name is Bob Bookman, sir, and I hate truckers.
Melissa: Why do they call you the Duck?
Rubber Duck: Because it rhymes with "luck." See, my daddy always told me to be just like a duck. Stay smooth on the surface and paddle like the devil underneath.
Melissa: Well I think I've had just about enough of this, thank you very much. I'll think I'll take my things and GET OUT. If you'll pull over to the side, I'm sure I can hitch a ride very easily... Weren't you listening to me? I said I'm ready to get out.
Rubber Duck: You want out? We're being chased. You want out? Jump.
Melissa: You want to add the Mann Act to your collection?
Rubber Duck: Mann Act's for 18 year olds, not someone who's seen the better side of thirty.
Bobby 'Love Machine' 'Pig Pen': Boy, these lonely long highways sure grind the souls of us cowboys.
Rubber Duck: How much is it, Lyle?
Sheriff Lyle Wallace aka Cottonmouth: Fifty. Each.
Bobby 'Love Machine' 'Pig Pen': You rob me, bastard.
Sheriff Lyle Wallace aka Cottonmouth: Sixty.
Rubber Duck: Hey, take it easy, this ain't an auction, man.
Sheriff Lyle Wallace aka Cottonmouth: I'm doing my job. Keeping my part of the highway safe.
Spider Mike: Yeah, well you keep it safe in that ditch somewhere feeding flies.
Rubber Duck: Piss on you, and piss on your law.
Sheriff Lyle Wallace aka Cottonmouth: I am the law. Don't you understand, I represent the law.
Rubber Duck: Well piss on ya, and piss on your law.
Sheriff Lyle Wallace aka Cottonmouth: You oughta be shot right where you're standing! So help me if I had a gun, I'd do it myself.
Rubber Duck: That badge would make it all right, wouldn't it?
Answer: White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.