Factual error: The captain's rank insignia ("train tracks") sewn onto the right collar tip of the battle dress uniform of Gandolfini's aide is sewn on incorrectly. The train tracks should be angled on a diagonal where the upper part is oriented toward the neck and lower part toward the tip of the collar. The aide's rank is angled on a diagonal in the opposite direction. This is not a minor mistake - any vet would notice this at a glance.
Factual error: There is a scene where all the prisoners, wielding their metal dinner trays, gather together to form a blockade around the trebuchet, using the trays as shields. In this scene, Colonel Winter is overlooking the prison yard and it's goings on from his above office. General Irwin looks up at Colonel Winter and gives a challenging smile, which is then returned by the Colonel. However, how could he have even seen anything, let alone Irwin, with all the sunlight that was being reflected in his face by the metal dinner trays? Winter's face was completely lit up.