9.8/10. My second favorite foreign movie behind Thriller:A Cruel Picture. Franka Potente was perfect as Lola and what a perfect choice she was. She embodies this strong willed character as someone's thrust into a situation by fate.I felt convinced by her performance as she showed depth as this young woman in love willing to go to such lengths for it. The direction was excellent with the idea of things changing slightly 3 times, each an intriguing perspective commentary on social interaction. The director may not have meant this but that's how I interpreted it. If anything else, it shows the lovely city of Berlin. Franka Potente was an excellent leading lady, what more can be said?
Answer: He stares at her thinking that she is a prostitute. After he makes some snide remarks, he relizes that she is Lola and has a heart attack. She later basically saves his life by simply holding his hand in the ambulance.