Question: At the very end when Lisa is a gym instructor, when they pan from her feet up, on VHS and on my DVD the Rocky theme is played. But whenever I see it on cable, the Weird Science theme is played instead. Why is this?
Chosen answer: They probably only had permission to use the song at the cinema and take home releases, so when shown on broadcast TV they'd have to use another song.
Question: When Lisa calls Chet Chip in the kitchen, was that planned or did Paxton ad lib his line?
Answer: I can't remember Chet's line, but Lisa says "Chip" so slowly and deliberately, it must have been scripted. When I heard it, I chuckled because I thought she was showing him how little he mattered to her by misstating his name.
Answer: According to the Wikipedia page for this movie, Lisa transforms Chet into a giant, talking turd.
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