Factual error: The rifles used are somewhat anachronistic in various respects for 1905. Many have 1908 Pattern webbing slings fitted. Most of the soldiers and rebels carry Mk III Lee-Enfields - these would have been brand new and in the process of replacing the older Long Lees at this time. Not impossible for the soldiers to use, but large numbers captured by rebels is very unlikely. And some soldiers/rebels are using No. 4 type Lee-Enfields - these didn't go into mass production until WW2.

Factual error: Captain Scott is sometimes seen with a Mk VI Webley, a historical anachronism as these date from 1915 onwards, whilst the film is set in 1905. This is also a continuity error as sometimes (particularly later in the film when he is fighting van Layden on the train roof) he now carries a much more period-correct Webley (MK V or earlier).
Factual error: The Maxim guns are mounted on Mk IV tripods, not introduced until 1906 (plus with direction dials fitted, which didn't get introduced until 1915), and metal ammunition boxes are used with them (again introduced in 1915 - they should be wooden at this date).