Big Jake

Other mistake: A shootout occurs in a hotel, where a shotgun blast apparently opens the money box. None of the perpetrators fired into the room.

Continuity mistake: When the gang of bad guys ride to the ranch there are nine of them. When they leave, and throughout the rest of the movie there are only seven, despite only one being shot off his horse at the ranch. (00:15:15)

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Martha McCandles: I was wrong. You haven't changed, have you, Jacob McCandles?
Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles: Not one bit.

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Question: At the beginning of the movie I counted 9 bad guys. We only see 1 die, then there are 6 - what happen to the others?

Answer: According to Wikipedia, the shootout at the ranch, both Devries brothers are killed by Jeff McCandles, before being shot himself. The rest die at the end of the movie.

You only see the older brother shot by Jeffrey before being shot himself. I only assumed young Billy stayed behind to help his brother.

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