Just Jake

Just Jake (2023)

4 continuity mistakes - chronological order

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Continuity mistake: Jake gets up and leaves his hot chocolate mug with the handle angled towards the left side of the screen. However, the handle turns at least 45° towards the front when there is a front view of Amber. The wide shot of Jake and Amber shows the mug's handle angled towards the left again. (00:20:55)


Continuity mistake: At the hair salon, front views of Amber's long, wavy hair vary, although there is an almost consistent loop of hair that extends from her right ear to her coat's collar. Rear views of Amber's head are consistently flat and do not show the loop of hair. (00:21:40 - 00:22:07)


Continuity mistake: Jake places a coffee cup onto the table. Amber puts her right hand on the handle and starts to slide the cup towards her body. Amber suddenly holds the cup above her chest with both hands, but doesn't have enough time to raise the cup and place her other hand around it. (00:34:20)


Continuity mistake: While talking to Jake and listening to him playing the guitar, the position of Amber's arms/hands suddenly changes several times. Most obvious is the instantaneous change from interlocked fingers over her lap to Amber's right arm bent at a ~ 90° angle going across her left arm with her right hand around her left elbow. (00:50:30 - 00:51:13)


Continuity mistake: Jake places a coffee cup onto the table. Amber puts her right hand on the handle and starts to slide the cup towards her body. Amber suddenly holds the cup above her chest with both hands, but doesn't have enough time to raise the cup and place her other hand around it. (00:34:20)


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