Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)

54 mistakes

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Continuity mistake: When Super Hero Freddy shows up at the rooftop, Anthea turns her body around, her right leg bent under the left. A shot later, her right leg is raised and parallel to her left leg.


Continuity mistake: When Billy and Freddie stop discussing outside school, watch the woman behind: One shot she is throwing food in the trashcan, yet a shot later she is cleaning a tray.


Continuity mistake: Billy tells Freddie, "We only have one rule!" while extending his arms. A shot later, they're down by his sides. (00:30:01)


Continuity mistake: Outside school, when Jeffrey drinks from the can, he is either sipping or not depending on the shot; plus, his hand isn't always at the same height. (00:29:50)


Continuity mistake: When Hespera chokes Freddy, he grabs her wrist. For a brief second, his hand is away, only to reappear in further shots.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When a guard aims to hit Hespera and Kalypso with his baton, they freeze him. However, an instant cut later from the opposite angle, his position is totally different.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Hespera and Kalypso push the glass vitrine away, it falls and shatters into a zillion pieces. Half a second later, there's not a single bit of glass around. There's a better angle of the immaculate floor when a guard jumps on top of a woman.


Continuity mistake: When Billy and Freddie discuss about the one rule, Billy's head is either facing ahead or sideways between shots. No continuity at all.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The first post-credits scene is a total editing mess: Shazam blows up the second bottle. Then shoots a second time and the bottle magically reappears and he blows it up again. Shot changes and the first broken bottle has swapped sides with the beer bottle.


Factual error: When the pen starts writing by itself, in the Spanish release the text that the group finds reads 'La sabiduría de Salomón'. The accent is missing, the correct spelling should be 'sabiduría'.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the group fly towards the accident on the bridge, from the aerial angle there are barely no people next to the smashed red car; a second later, there's 10 people around. Furthermore, the cars behind in a V-shape position are different: silver and red swap to dark grey and brownish. And, last but not least, the blue car's right door is open in the aerial shot, but closed an instant cut later.


Shazam! Fury of the Gods mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the bridge scene, the woman holding the basket with kittens has a seatbelt running across her chest. In the close-up it's gone.


Shazam: You think I know how to fix this, dude, but I really don't.
The Wizard: Billy, anyone can be worthy, if given a chance. Now go fight for your family! Go fight for the world.

More quotes from Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Trivia: There are two post-credit scenes: one featuring Billy being invited to join the JSA, and the other with Dr. Sivana.


More trivia for Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Question: We learn in the film that Shazam and Wonder Woman are friends, and (Spoiler alert) she brings him back from the dead at the end. So, why didn't she help him during the final battle or give any other much-needed assistance during the film?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The dinner scene, where Wonder Woman has the head of the Wizard, never happened. There's no indication they knew each other, let alone were friends. In the realm where superheroes actually do exist, there'd really be no reason why she, Superman, who is supposed to know them too, or any other hero wouldn't be there to help. So the only answer would be an unsatisfactory one that sounds pedantic: she didn't help because it's a Shazam movie and not a WW or JL movie. One could say that she and the other heroes were busy with fighting crime/battles in their own city or they didn't know they needed help. She only appears at the end, it seems, to restore the god realm. It's also been said they didn't think Gal Gadot would be available to shoot her cameo scene, so Wonder Woman may not have been in the film because of a scheduling conflict. But to me, if she was meant to be in the film, they would have secured her availability long before shooting.


Answer: Where did you get the idea that they are friends? The movie makes it pretty clear they have never met before.

Cause they are having dinner together near the beginning. And you still didn't answer why she didn't help.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The other superheroes don't sit around waiting for someone to call. Batman has a city full of rogues' gallery: Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, Catwoman. Wonder Woman also has the same. They're busy people! But they'll come if asked or if they find out another hero needs help.

More questions & answers from Shazam! Fury of the Gods

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