Beverly Hills Cop II

Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)

2 mistakes since 28 Jun '24, 22:14

(8 votes)

Character mistake: Police Chief Lutz tells Axel (Johnny Wishbone) that he checked with Immigration and they never heard of Johnny Wishbone. He says, "you're illegal, buster." Johnny Wishbone is from St. Croix, which is in the United States Virgin Islands. Johnny Wishbone would be a U.S. Citizen. (00:51:27)


Continuity mistake: Near the end, when Eddy sneaks up behind the car, he picks up dirt in his hand. In the next shot, he has a gun. (01:27:10)


Axel Foley: Well, sir, you have 25 unpaid parking tickets and it's your car, so we have to take you in.
Sidney Bernstein: Wait a second, I've got an idea. Is there something that I have, in this office, that I could hand to you and that would, make you...kinda forget that you're holding those, uh, little pink tickets there?
Axel: What are you trying to say, sir?
Sidney: Like, you'd be holding something in that hand, and this hand you'd forget about. This hand you'd be concentrating on. That hand you'd go, what, what did I have there? I don't even remember.
Axel: What, you mean, like, if I had um... $200 in this hand?
Sidney: Ouch! Let go of my arm. $200? Ouch! Please, I'm robbing you. That's what I'm doing. Here's one, here's two. They're real crisp.


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