Plot hole: When Rupert brought his "secret pen pal" letters from Hollywood movie star John to school, they were stolen by some classmate bullies (and apparently never recovered). Rupert would have been around age 11 (possibly 12) at the time. It is inconceivable that a child could recall enough details from the letters to write a book about them 10 years later.
Plot hole: When Rupert brought his "secret pen pal" letters from Hollywood movie star John to school, they were stolen by some classmate bullies (and apparently never recovered). Rupert would have been around age 11 (possibly 12) at the time. It is inconceivable that a child could recall enough details from the letters to write a book about them 10 years later.
Audrey Newhouse: This last letter suggests he was full of hope.
Rupert Turner: Which is why I am sure you will understand that, for obvious reasons, that is the version that I chose to believe.
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