Trivia: The license plate on the BMW is "MLBULAW." The acronym "MLBU" is used for "Midwife Led Birthing Unit." Taking the "LAW" into consideration, the "MLBU" most likely represents "Major League Baseball Union." The MLB's season was shortened in 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Grievances and labor disputes required expensive lawyer fees (millions of dollars). (00:03:55)
Suggested correction: First, the name of MLB's union is the Payers Association, so the initials are MLBPA, not MLBU. Second, the film was in post-production when COVID hit, so while filming there would be no reason to "represent" the MLBPA since the season hasn't been affected. Third, MLBU also stands for Mobile Laundry and Bathing Unit. MALBU LAW simply stands for Malibu Law and this entry has nothing to do with the film.