Vice Principal Wolters: I care about these kids just as much as you do. And if I'm forced to choose between Mozart and reading and writing and long division, I choose long division.
Glenn Holland: Well, I guess you can cut the arts as much as you want, Gene. Sooner or later, these kids aren't going to have anything to read or write about.
Glenn Holland: I'm 60 years old, Gene. What are you going to do: write me a recommendation for the morgue?
Glenn Holland: It's almost funny. I got dragged into this gig kicking and screaming, and now it's the only thing I want to do.
Vice Principal Wolters: Corvair?
Mr. Glenn Holland: Yeah.
Vice Principal Wolters: I take it you didn't read Ralph Nader's book.
Mr. Glenn Holland: Well, unless Ralph is willing to buy me a new car, I'm going to have to stick with this one until the wheels fall off.
Vice Principal Wolters: Well, you might not have to wait that long. Heh, heh. Have a nice day.
Vice Principal Wolters: Have you been to any of the football games this season, Mr. Holland?
Glenn Holland: I can't say that I have, no.
Vice Principal Wolters: Well, Mrs. Jacobs and I feel that there's something missing.
Glenn Holland: Touchdowns.
Mr. Glenn Holland: Let me ask you a question. When you look in the mirror, what do you like best about yourself?
Gertrude Lang: My hair.
Mr. Glenn Holland: Why?
Gertrude Lang: Well, my father always says that it reminds him of the sunset.
Mr. Glenn Holland: Play the sunset. Close your eyes. One, two, three, four.
Rowena Morgan: You love music and you made the kids love it with you.
Glenn Holland: You work for 30 years because you think that what you do makes a difference, you think it matters to people, but then you wake up one morning and find out, well no, you've made a little error there, you're expendable. I should be laughing.
Glenn Holland: Enough of us already think "time" is a magazine.
Glenn Holland: Play the sunset.
Mr. Glenn Holland: The day they cut the football budget in this state, that will be the end of Western Civilization as we know it.
Glenn Holland: Well, congratulations, Gene. You've been looking for a way to get rid of me for 30 years, and they finally gave you an excuse.
Vice Principal Wolters: You know, I'm not as popular as you. I'm not anybody's favorite anything.
Glenn Holland: That's because you're the enemy, Gene. You just don't know it.
Glenn Holland: Which instrument do you think you'd like to play?
Louis Russ: Well, I was kinda thinkin' like... How about electric guitar?
Glenn Holland: Well, this is a marching band. The extension cord will kill us.
Bill Meister: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Coach Meister. Your marching buddy.
Answer: Its "Imagine" by John Lennon.