
Monstrous (2022)

1 other mistake - chronological order

(1 vote)

Other mistake: Laura's Arizona license plate (G 652P) was, understandably, a combination or blending of the design from Jan 2008 - Apr 2020 (blue/white/yellow horizontal colors) with a serial format closer to that of the mid-1950s, but improper for either time period. The 2008 - 2020 plate serial format was "ABC 1234." Laura's 1955 plate - when the serial format was "A - 12345" - should not have had a letter ("P") on the far right. ("G" could be the code for Gila, Graham, or Greenlee County, but which one?). (01:24:19)


Continuity mistake: Laura's hair was (flipped) above her shoulders when she brought Cody to school. When she was in her car, her hair was much longer, going at least a couple or few inches down her back. Laura's hair was back to its shorter length (above-the-shoulders) when she got to the typing room at work. (00:15:44 - 00:16:06)


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