Factual error: There's no way in UFC they'd let a fighter continue all bloodied up as Jackie is. Given her condition the referee would've stopped the fight and awarded it to Lady Killer.
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6.2/10. A not bad movie for Halle Berry surprisingly. I find myself wanting to get it on DVD as soon as possible. Given Gothika and Catwoman for example, it's a surprise to see her doing a decent movie. Sure it's just a black woman in UFC version of Rocky, the umpteenth ripoff of a beloved sports movie but what the heck? It beats some of the stuff Berry's done before as she actually does a decent job taking us on an emotional coaster. I found myself impressed with Valentina Shevchenko's performance too. She's pretty convincing, not a bad guy for the real bad guy here is the life choices Jackie Justice, Berry's character, has made. I honestly found it decent though it seemed to slow down too much at times and, like I said, a little too much like Sylvester Stallone's Rocky.
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