Revealing mistake: When the volcano erupts, the lava (a superimposed image) is flowing frame by frame as a stop-motion film as opposed to the explosion.
Continuity mistake: Bond grabs Kissy's both arms to help her climb inside the raft. Shot changes and he's just grabbing one arm.

Revealing mistake: When Bond starts flying the Nelly there's a close-up of him where a thick white outline appears around revealing his body has been cut-out and pasted on the flying footage. Problem is... his arm was erased. One might think it's an optical illusion caused by the visor but you can actually see the mountain right where his arm is supposed to be.

Revealing mistake: When the last helicopter explodes, in the close-up one can see it's empty.

Revealing mistake: When Bond destroys the two helicopters there are two thin wires above running along the screen, seemingly where they hung the scale models from.
Revealing mistake: You can see ropes lowering the rocket when landing.
Revealing mistake: Every time Bond is in the white Toyota, and they use a back screen projection look at the top of the windscreen, it has completely disappeared each side of the rear view mirror.
Revealing mistake: Look closely at the device Bond is using to open Osato's safe. Before he presses the button to reveal the individual number you can see what the number is going to be.
Continuity mistake: When Bond begins to make his way towards the rooms where the American and Russian astronauts are being held captive the announcer in the control room says interception will take place in two hours but then barely a minute or so later the announcer says "100 minutes." Somehow twenty minutes disappeared in just the time it took Bond to hide in the tram car.
Revealing mistake: When Bond notices the safe while looking at the mirror inside the liquor closet he turns around to look at the actual safe and the same shot seen in the mirror is used for Bond's point of view.
Factual error: The room where Bond cracks the safe to steal some documents, there is a solid automatic door to enter the room. However right next to it, the wall is thin as paper (Japanese Shoji paper). It makes no sense to put a safe in a room like this or secure it with such a solid door when burglars just can walk through the walls. It's not armored milk glass or similar - during Bond's fight with the Japanese driver he already smashed one of these "walls" inside the room.
Revealing mistake: Every time Blofeld's rocket is shown approaching the American capsule near the end of the movie look closely at the screen. When we see the rocket on the closed-circuit screens you can tell it's a badly superimposed image because you can see the stars passing by behind it.
Factual error: When 007 is briefed inside the submarine, there would be no space available to have spacious offices, wooden desks, and book shelves. Most of the space within a sub would be taken up by the equipment necessary for it to function. In addition, such features (desks, chairs, etc.) would add a considerable amount of weight and be difficult to get inside in the sub in the first place.
Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie James Bond is on a submarine underwater in Hong Kong harbor. Then, he is launched from a torpedo tube and is in Tokyo shortly afterwards. It's 1,800 miles from Hong Kong to Tokyo.
Suggested correction: Bond is on a submarine that has the capability of traveling from Hong Kong to Tokyo. Bond's meeting with M is even interrupted with an announcement that they're about to get underway. There's also a cut from Bond leaving M's office to Bond in a wetsuit preparing to exit the sub through the torpedo tube, a cut that could encompass the time period the sub took Bond into Japanese waters.
It takes several days for any submarine to travel one thousand eight hundred miles. There is no way, no how that submarine could have traveled 1,800 miles in a few hours. Not even the Disco Volante hydrofoil from Thunderball could have traveled 1,800 miles in a few hours, let alone a submarine traveling underwater.
Continuity mistake: The girl drives away from the wrestling arena sitting in the right seat, but when she drives up to the hotel she's sitting in the left seat. Either a flipped shot or a different vehicle.
Revealing mistake: When Bond stabs an assassin, we can see the spear going under his side.
Revealing mistake: When Bond exits the room after his meeting with M aboard the submarine, he slams the door, causing the whole wall to move.
Revealing mistake: When Helga traps Bond with a smoke-bomb and wooden restraint in the plane before jumping out to safety, you can see the wooden restraint has a pre-made crack down the centre when Bond eventually breaks loose.
Revealing mistake: When Bond back-drops Hans back into the water during their fight in Blofeld's quarters, you can see that Bond is not Sean Connery but his stunt double.
Continuity mistake: When the hired thug is driving a disguised Bond to the Osato Building, the thug looks back at him. The forward view does not show the hood, wheel or dash of the car. After he goes back to driving, Bond peeks up to see where they're going, and now you can see the dash, and wheel. Also, when the thug looks around, the mirror shows only a blurred image of Bond, not the face and back of the thug's head. As Bond sees the building, the camera can now see only the thug's reflection in the mirror. Finally, they were in a downtown area with no dead end in sight. Then suddenly, there's the building. With no turns, that's a fast moving car.