Rob: What happened to the persimmon tree?
Bryce: What's a persimmon?
Rob: It's a uh. It's an orange fruit looks kind of like tomato.
Rob: You can't eat it if it's not ripe it's awful.
Rob: But if you give it time, it gets rid of these things called tannins and then they are very good.
Bryce: I don't think we have a persimmon tree.
Rob: No? That's OK.
Bryce: Did it die?
Rob: You should use stale bread for french toast.
Rob: Derek why do you care about these people? They don't care about you, none of them.
Rob: They don't even know you because you haven't shown them.
Rob: Everyday you wake up and there'll be less of you you live your life for them and they don't even see you.
Rob: You don't even see yourself. We don't get a lot of things to really care about.
Rob: We don't get a lot of things to really care about.