Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Corrected entry: During Veruca's "I Want It Now" song, after she says "I want a bean feast", Mr. Salt says, "Oh, one of those"—but his mouth doesn't move.

Correction: Look closely; his mouth does move. It just looks like it doesn't because he is grimacing in frustration.

Corrected entry: When Charlie is first seen walking up to the gates of the Wonka factory there are just the street sounds. Then suddenly the "Tinkerer" (the guy with the knife cart) gives the dissertation about fear of little men (a poem of some sort) then proceeds to leave clanking and clattering on the cobble stone street. He should have either been visible on the first shot of Charlie as he walked up to the gates or heard as he approached later on to give his dissertation.

James Rowell

Correction: While Charlie was concentrating on the factory he didn't hear the tinkerer come up, hence the silent approach. After the tinker leave he has Charlie's attention and therefore you can hear the sound.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie where Charlie gives the gobstopper back, Gene Wilder's hair is all screwed up, but the next second it's fine.

Correction: This is not necessarily a mistake: It was done on purpose to show how crazy he is.

Corrected entry: Before the ride on the Wonkamobile, an Oompa-Loompa pours a liquid from a green bottle into the Wonkamobile, but in the next shot he is pouring it out of a brown bottle.

Correction: All the Oompa Loompas look the same if not very similar, and there was more than one Oompa Loompa fueling the Wonkamobile. It is most likely a different Oompa Loompa with a brown bottle took his place after the green bottle was empty. Either that, or the other Oompa Loompa was fueling the other side. The first shot was up close so we don't know what side it was showing.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mike TeeVee is made smaller and transmitted through the tv, he's on a black stage. When he talks to his mother, she's obviously on a movie type screen.

Correction: Well after watching this I'm pretty sure this was intentional, since Mike has been 'transmitted' inside the TV set, he is now seeing his mum through the TV glass which is giving this illusion.

Corrected entry: In the half-room, Wonka angrily tells Charlie and Grandpa that there is no lifetime supply of chocolate due to stealing fizzy-lifting drinks and touching the fan which needs to be 'washed and sterilized.' But how did Wonka actually KNOW that Charlie and Grandpa did the above, since they were alone at all times and there were no Oompa-Loompas or CCTV cameras watching them? Also, when Charlie and Grandpa rejoin Wonka and the others, Wonka is carrying on without any suspicion whatsoever and he doesn't question them till they get to the half-room.

Correction: It's not hard to imagine Wonka having a security system that would have let him know what happened with the fizzy lifting drinks - it wouldn't necessarily be visible to anyone. He never mentioned it to Charlie because he intended to use the incident as a sort of "final exam" to test Charlie's reaction and see if he was worthy to take over the factory.


Corrected entry: In the 'half room', half a wall clock is shown, yet the pendulum mechanism is not directly below the 6, it is slightly offset to the right.

Correction: Why is this a mistake? Almost every single thing in the entire factory is slightly "off" if you will.


Corrected entry: What was stopping the children from giving an Everlasting Gobstopper to the *real* Slugworth? I'm sure he'd be very interested in them.

Correction: The entire gobstopper situation was created by Wonka as a test for the kids. In reality, any of them COULD try to give one to the real Slugworth, but it wouldn't really matter to Wonka.

Corrected entry: When the Oompa Loompa is steering the Wonkatania, he doesn't move the steering wheel yet the ship manages to turn every corner. (00:59:00)

Correction: This was corrected in a similar entry. The boat could purposely be guided by a rail, to make it easier to control, and the wheel itself non-functional.


Corrected entry: This is of course done on purpose, but if Grandpa Joe hadn't been out of the bed in years, how could he just get up and dance, only stumbling a little bit?

Correction: It was done on purpose, so there is no mistake. It is also specifically mentioned in the book.

Corrected entry: When the group are in the Egg-Laying Room and Veruca says that she wants a golden goose Charlie says "Here we go again" but it doesn't match the way his mouth moves.

cameron davies

Correction: No, I just watched this and it does match up.

Corrected entry: When Augustus Gloop falls in the chocolate River, Charlie grabs a lolly and Augustus holds it. As he does this, it bends.

Correction: I am sure lots of different candy products would bend also in the same situation. Not all lollys are hard.

Mad Ade

Corrected entry: When Wonka is walking along the path along the red carpet, when he falls forwards to do his trick, you clearly see the straw as a bump under the carpet, to soften his fall.

Correction: I saw no such thing. It was the carpet moving as he rolled.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Willy Wonka greets his guests, there is a cameraman in a blue shirt in shot just outside the gates on the right as the guests go in. He can be seen filming the guests and Wonka, and his footage is included in the film. In the next shot when Wonka checks the golden tickets, he has gone. (00:43:57)

Correction: The camera could have been news coverage of Wonka opening his factory. There were several cameras in the scene.

William Bergquist

Corrected entry: Not only does Mike spell his last name T.V. on the contract and the credits say TeeVee, but when they are interviewing him after he won the ticket, and elsewhere too, it's spelled TeaVee.

Correction: Mike spells his last name on the contract T.V. because he is a Television freak and wants his last name spelled that way, as for the changed spelling elsewhere, I can't help you.

Corrected entry: When everybody moved to the side of the boat to exit onto the dock, the boat should have leaned in that direction from the imbalance, but it stayed steady.

Correction: The boat's ballast keeps it balanced to prevent tipping.


Corrected entry: When Charlie and Grandpa enter the 'half-room' to enquire about the lifetime supply of chocolate, look at the 'half-lamp' on Wonka's desk. It has a full complete light bulb. This bulb should be 'in half' to match the rest of the room.

Correction: That's because a half lightbulb wouldn't work. Wonka would still want a working light, even if everything else was cut in half.


Corrected entry: When Violet turns into a blueberry, her belt bursts off, but a few seconds later as the Oompa-Loompas start singing her belt has disappeared from the ground.

Correction: The camera doesn't focus on Violet the entire time, there is plenty of time for an Oompa-Loompa to move the belt out of the way.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mike TV gets turned into a million pieces and reappears in the television, he has his goggles on when he gets transported and his goggles are not over his eyes when he reappears in the TV.

Correction: I watched this movie last night and could see that as Mike appeared in miniature in the TV after being transported, he lifted up his goggles. That's why his goggles are off in his next close-up shot.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie when Mr. Wonka leads both Charlie and Grandpa Joe to the Wonkavator, Wonka spins and presses the button that opens the doors to the Wonkavator. But if you watch closely, you can see he misses the button by an inch.

Correction: That's not true. He presses the button with his pointer finger, although he did reach up there with his middle finger also.

Continuity mistake: In the contract signing scene, Violet and her father are close to Wonka's right elbow, but when the shot changes to Veruca and her father's view, they are further away, then close to Wonka again in a later shot.


More mistakes in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Mr. Salt: What is this, Wonka? Some kind of fun house?
Willy Wonka: Why? Having fun?

More quotes from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Trivia: Of all the child actors who played main characters in this film, Julie Dawn Cole is the only one who continued to act into adulthood.


More trivia for Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Question: When Charlie goes into the candy shop and gets a Scrumdiddlyumptious bar, he gobbles it down and the man warns him he'll get a stomach ache. The fifth golden ticket had been found (or so Charlie thinks at this point), so he can't be digging for it. I've never understood: what was the point in eating it so fast?


Chosen answer: In the original book, Charlie has an obsession with chocolate that he only satiates once a year on his birthday. Also, at this point in the book, the Bucket family is going through an extremely hard time and Charlie has had less food than he usually would have, so he is EXTREMELY hungry.

More questions & answers from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

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