White Squall

White Squall (1996)

6 mistakes - chronological order

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Factual error: When the boys have a night on the town with a bunch of eager Dutch girls, the girls somehow forget their native tongue and start to chatter in Danish.

Other mistake: When the students are below deck having a meal, a glass pitcher of orange juice can be seen. Even though the boat is apparently rocking to and fro in the waves, the juice level stays still. Obviously it is the camera that is moving and not the set.

Other mistake: When the Cuban ship approaches, the guy on the Albatras ship starts speaking Spanish using a megaphone. They cut to the Cuban guy, and then cut back to the guy on the Albatras speaking Spanish, and although you hear his voice sounding like its coming through the megaphone, there is NO megaphone to be seen.

Factual error: As the students disembark from their DC-3 at the airport a Britten-Norman Islander is seen in the background, an aircraft type that did not enter production until five years later. A little later what is clearly a post-1970 Land Rover is visible.

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene where Gil is forced by Skipper to climb into the rigging, right after Gil says "I hate you, you son of a bitch", as he begins to climb, his shirt is blown up by the wind and you can see the cord from his microphone pack.

Continuity mistake: When the survivors of the sunken ship are floating in the life raft, Geig makes a comment while observing the cloudless night sky: "look, there goes Shepherd..."(something to that effect, in reference to the recent launch of Allen Shepherd in the first Mercury manned-space flight). In actuality, Shepherd's flight was a day launch and a sub-orbital flight lasting only few minutes. He never achieved orbit and therefore would not be visible travelling in the night sky.

Captain Christopher Sheldon: If we don't have order, we have nothing. Where we go one, we go all.

More quotes from White Squall

Question: During the dance with the skipper and his wife while at the Dutch girls' school, there is a cat on the serving table. Was the cat supposed to be there?

Answer: No.

More questions & answers from White Squall

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