Continuity mistake: The leather straps on Charley's legs on her bed keep loosening up between shots.

Daughter of the Streets (1990)
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-70/10. Why oh why do they still make this kind of junk? Why do we, the public, let them? This one's got the usual cliches in it of daughter gone wrong, mother who's single, is able to save her, no father around to help. If anyone thinks this is good, well then they're capable of being sold the Brooklyn Bridge. If anything, Jane Alexander has to be one of the most bland, boring actresses I've ever seen. Her character comes off as the strong divorcee who's got time for everyone else except her kids. I'm for a strong message via story being spread but this comes off as more of a preachy bland soap opera. If anything, Alexander's Peggy Ryan is a whiny middle aged ditz who looks to save the world more while expecting her kids to behave 24/7 and be perfect. Roxana Zal, who matches her in blandness,her character of Charley is actually sympathetic some as she had to do this since her mother and their relatives couldn't be bothered with caring for her and her little brother. This sort of movie has an actual message to it:Folks don't ever tell your stories to the media because they'll sucker you and make this sort of trash just to grab ratings.
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