Factual error: In cooking class, the teacher said "two stalks of celery" and Michael handed Lorna one stalk, which she started to separate. One "stalk" is actually the entire bunch (or head), which is made up of 8-10+ "ribs" connected at the bottom. Two ribs will equal about one chopped cup - about right for the tuna walnut casserole made with one can of tuna. Americans typically use the word "stalk" interchangeably with "rib", calling a single rib/ stick/ branch a stalk, but the stalk is the entire bunch. (00:37:02)
Factual error: The timeline is flawed. Baseball season typically runs Mar/Apr through Sept/Oct - Michael was on teams in FL then NJ. The Spartanburg newspaper article Harry was reading the morning after the Popes fled FL was dated Mar 19, 1987 - Spring. Travelling to NJ as well as during the Popes' stay there, all tree leaves were green - Summer foliage. After asking Michael where he was applying to college, Lorna told him he'd have to apply next term - meaning January. So, was it Spring, Summer, or Fall?