Factual error: At the start, when Schwarzenegger leaves the party to steal the computer evidence, when he turns on the computer you can clearly hear the Macintosh start up sound, but when he looks at the computer screen it is the Windows loading screen. It's not a case of changing the sound files - PCs make no noise before Windows is fully loaded except perhaps the initial beep. (00:07:15)
Factual error: When the terrorist leader has fired his gun at the toilets you can see and count the bullet holes. A AK-74SU magazine holds 30 rounds yet there are about 100 bullet holes in the toilets. (00:32:40)
Factual error: The shots fired in the toilet are fired at a very narrow angle at the toilet doors. But when you see the holes up close they are perfectly round. They should be elongated. (00:32:40)
Factual error: When Harry's wife is meeting the used car salesman, he says to meet her under the Key Bridge on K street, that would be hard because the Key Bridge is actually over the Potomac river. If that scene was shot in DC it is on K street, under the Whitehyrst freeway. (00:57:30 - 00:58:50)
Factual error: Schwarzenegger flies the Harrier without ear protection of any kind. I was fifty metres from one at the Farnborough Air-show, and I can tell you that after landing he (and his daughter) would be both stone deaf. Yes, they are THAT loud. (02:02:00)
Factual error: The terrorist with the AK47 is unaware of the fact that a Harrier is hovering just outside the window until he slowly turns and see it there. He does a double take when he sees the Harrier just five metres away! A Harrier is an incredibly loud aircraft; you can hear them from three kilometers away. At that range the floor would shake with the noise and he would have been in no doubt whatever that he had been under attack for some time.
Factual error: Like all jet fighters, the Harrier/AV-8A has as light an airframe as possible. It is not built for sturdiness. Having worked on Harriers for many years, I can tell you that the damage this one would sustain after crashing into buildings and being shot at and hammered with debris would see it dropping out of the air like a brick.
Factual error: Throughout the entire movie, Arnold and Tom are always riding in the GM S-series SUV. The thing about these vehicles is that they came with different side view mirrors and if you look close enough during all the shots with the SUV, the side mirrors on the side change, from small ones to big square ones, showing that two different GM S-series SUVs were used throughout the movie.
Factual error: In the amount of time it took for Arnold to exit the lake and infiltrate Khaled's party, the mere temperature in the mountainous region would freeze the hole over long before the patrolling guard would come across it. It might not be fully frozen, but enough to be mistaken for being normal to the casual observer.
Factual error: When Arnold's harrier hovers up and a terrorist has to adjust the focus of binoculars, it shows Arnold's face. Being so close, there would be no way binoculars would have a clear view of his face, maybe a blurry eye at best.
Chosen answer: He didn't really. Harry just knew he was heading up. He pressed the top floor to get the elevator moving and kept an eye on him on the way up. If the terrorist's elevator suddenly stops, Harry can press the button for that floor to stop his elevator.