Trivia: Famed actor Sam Rockwell ("Iron Man 2", "Moon", "Galaxy Quest") got his start in this film, playing one of the troubled teens seduced by the foot clan. He plays the kid who offers cigarettes to another teen, and delivers the line about the "East warehouse on Lairdman island."
Trivia: Most people know April O'Neil, but as a joke in the movie, two other reporters are also named after months - June and May.
Trivia: The four actors playing the Turtles also had cameo appearances in the movie without their costumes: Tilden (Donatello) was the Foot messenger that says "We've been looking for you, Miss O'Neil". Pais (Raphael) is the passenger in the taxi cab that says "What the heck was that?" Sisti (Michelangelo) is the pizza delivery man that can't find the Turtle's address. Foreman (Leonardo) plays a gang member in the warehouse when Casey Jones defeats Tatsu.
Answer: Most likely to kill Shredder and make sure that there would be no way to come back but, as seen in the sequel, Shredder does return.