I saw this movie in theaters.
It was actually much better than I anticipated. I went into this movie with low expectations and having already spoiled a bit by online reviews by the likes of Doug Walker.
As far as a film goes on it's own... it isn't really all that bad when you break it down and look at it. The pacing is choppy at some points and the editing was awful in several situations. In fact I'm pretty sure the whole plot hole about the old Asian lady taking 6 months to find the little girl was probably the result of bad editing. But the characters aren't really all bad. The villain works, even if his motivations are weak and unexplained. But the actor behind the role did his best and really made him have a strong presence on screen. I just felt the Symbiote he got paired with, Riot, was to singular.
The acting from Tom Hardy was really well done, his talents shining through in the otherwise dull spectacle of a typical Sony film. The movie oftentimes couldn't decide what genera or tone it was going for, switching between horror suspense, to straight up hero action, to dark comedy, to buddy comedy, or just straight up comedy. Movies can switch around like this and work, but this one does not. When there are interactions between Eddie and Venom where the film turns into a more buddy comedy, it really works great. If the whole film had been done that way, it could have been great!
But as it is, the movie was held back. Trying to be too dark and serious at times with the subject matter, but constrained by a PG-13 rating. And even for a PG-13 film... it felt censored. It was like borderline PG. It really feels this movie was killed in the editing.
And I've even heard that Tom Hardy has stated that a lot of the film was cut out, including most of his favorite scenes.
This movie really had potential, but fell flat in too many aspects. There is also the strange thing of Venom existing in a world without Spider-Man. They tried to make it work with a more original origin story here... but still it looms over the film like a shadow and something missing. Seriously, having a Venom movie without Spider-man is dumb. Like what if they decided to make a Joker film set in the 80's without Batman?.. oh wait.
Now one thing, and spoiler alert... in the end credits scene, it's revealed that Woody Harrelson is in prison playing the part of Cletus Kasady. Who is the psychotic murder that becomes Carnage... I can not wait for the sequel now! I can fully get behind Woody playing that part and I'm super excited to see how he does it. The movie will be a ton of fun just for him alone. Just hopefully they learn from this film and improve the next. Like... if it's a film about Carnage... you can't do PG-13. You just can't. Learn from Logan and Deadpool.
I'm right on the fens of giving this movie 3 and 4 stars. I would give it 3 and 1/2 if I could. I'll just round up to 4 stars.
Mistake Status: I saw a few in theaters, forgot most of them by the time I got home but submitted the 3 I remembered. Like all superhero movies, I'll get to it eventually and really break it a part. That's my bread and butter
Quantom X ★
Answer: Since Eddie is seen talking with Ann, she seems to have forgiven him. Ann decides to become a public defender and Eddie was given his old job back but, he chose not to take it. Instead, he decides to go back to journalism. As for the Life Foundation, it's only speculation but, with the photos that Eddie took, it's possible that it shut down and Drake's plans and the people he murdered were exposed to the public.