First Man

First Man (2018)

1 correction since 29 Jun '24, 05:40

(6 votes)

Factual error: The Apollo 11 lander Eagle detaches from command module Columbia with its landing legs already extended. Neil is then shown saying "the Eagle has wings" as if to mean the ship is flying on its own. Actually, the ship's legs wouldn't be extended until after the undocking. It was the extension of the legs that prompted Neil's quote about the Eagle having wings.


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Suggested correction: The legs were, in fact, extended prior to undocking. I was comparing it to the "From the Earth to the Moon" depiction.


Factual error: The Apollo 11 flight shows the sky turning from blue to black through the capsule window, then there is an external shot showing a vapour cone forming on the rocket, which is characteristic of low-altitude transonic flight.

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Neil Armstrong: You're down here and you look up and you don't think about it too much. But space exploration changes your perception.

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Question: A lot of fuss was made over the omission of the lunar flag planting in this movie. However, when I saw the movie in the theater, I distinctly remember seeing the flag on the moon, just not the actual planting. However, that particular shot seems to be missing in the home video release. Does anyone know the reason for this?

Answer: The home release includes a clear shot of the lunar lander with the American flag next to it.

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