Game Night

Continuity mistake: When they're trying to bribe the "pregnant corpse" lady, in shots from the front the $10 bill is perfectly flat on the table, but from the back the front half is noticeably kinked upwards. Then when he starts sliding more money over, the $10 is flattened out.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: Right after Max kisses the hand of Ryan's ditzy date, the shot cuts. In the first shot, her hand is still up, but instantly in the next shot, it's down by her side.


Continuity mistake: When Brooks is telling the embarrassing story about Max trying to give himself oral sex, at one point you see Kevin reach up and start to scratch his chin. The shot cuts, and suddenly both of his hands are down, and he's no longer scratching his chin.


Continuity mistake: When Michelle tells the kidnappers "We got you the list!" right before Gary shows up, she goes from facing down at the ground to facing up at the kidnappers instantly between cuts.


Continuity mistake: When Max and Brooks are having their heart-to-heart conversation on the bridge (while they are being held at gunpoint), the directions they are facing instantly changes between edits a few times. Sometimes they are facing forward... sometimes they are facing each other... etc.


Continuity mistake: After Max says "That's great... now they're gonna kill my brother," he turns to face Annie and then starts turning his again right as the shot cuts. The scene cuts to a different angle, and he is instantly facing straight forward and not moving at all.


Continuity mistake: When the group is playing Jenga to distract Gary, and Ryan snaps at Annie to make a decision, pay attention. In the first shot, Annie has her hand on her chin like she's thinking, but instantly between cuts, her hand is down on the table.


Continuity mistake: During the car chase, there are a few moments where the background we see outside of the car windows doesn't quite match the background we see outside when we get wideshots of the cars driving. It usually matches, but there's 2 or 3 moments where it doesn't scatter throughout the scene.


Continuity mistake: When the two actors playing the "kidnappers " (who are part of the actual "game") break in and realise Ron the "FBI agent" was punched, pay attention. Between shots, the actors playing the "kidnappers" go from practically being shoulder-to-shoulder to suddenly being about 4 feet apart between cuts. (It happens when the one actor lifts off his mask).


Continuity mistake: When Ryan is explaining fight clubs, Annie starts to munch on a carrot. Right before the shot cuts, about half the carrot is sticking out of her mouth, and she's holding it with both hands. Instantly between cuts, she's eaten almost the entire carrot and is only holding it with one hand.


Continuity mistake: At Brooks' house, when Sarah makes a joke about Ryan believing in "everything he reads", she goes from smiling to pouting instantly between cuts.


Continuity mistake: When Max and Annie are kissing and talking about having kids on the plane, the way they are holding each other changes instantly between shots a few times. (Ex. In some shots, Max's hands are on Annie's shoulders, while in other shots, he's holding her face, etc).


Continuity mistake: The size, shape and location of the smear of blood on the Bulgarian's forehead changes slightly a few times from when he wakes up to the point he is knocked out again a few minutes later.


Continuity mistake: When Max is telling Annie about his plan to crash the car into the plane, Annie goes from facing sideways at Max to facing forward instantly between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Gary is explaining that he set up the kidnapping, throughout the scene, the directions the various characters are facing and the positions they are standing in change repeatedly between shots depending on the angle.


Continuity mistake: The two streaks of "blood" coming out of Gary's mouth change size and position repeatedly throughout the remainder of the scene after he is "shot" by the kidnappers. (Sometimes the streaks are thinner... sometimes thicker... sometimes close together... sometimes further apart... etc. It depends on the camera angle).


Continuity mistake: When Annie points to the bridge and says "There it is! Fourth street!" her arm is lifted and pointing to the window. The scene then cuts to Kevin, and you can see in the background that Annie's arm has instantly gone down between cuts.


Continuity mistake: After Sarah and Ryan have their awkward moment in the back of the car, it cuts to Max and then Kevin. Sarah is in the background of both shots. In the shot of Max, we see her brushing her hair with her hand and then lowering her hand into her lap. Then, when it cuts to Kevin, suddenly Sarah is brushing her hair with her hand again, and puts it back down a second time. The cuts are instant, so there's no time for her to have lifted her hand back up between edits.


Continuity mistake: When Kevin and Michelle are searching the bedroom and Kevin starts grilling Michelle on the "celebrity" she slept with, Michelle goes from facing the bedside table to facing Kevin instantly between cuts.


Continuity mistake: When Donald Anderton is giving water to his fighter and calls the next fighter in, the amount and pattern of the blood on his fighter's chest changes at least twice between shots. (First his chest is covered in blood... then almost completely clean... then partially covered in blood).


Continuity mistake: Max dripped blood on the dog from his elbow and the dog had blood in a large spot behind its neck and left shoulder area. In next frame the dog is shown with blood in the spot and all down its left leg. (00:58:00)


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Ryan: You're like a double threat. Brains... and you're British.

More quotes from Game Night

Trivia: The film has many subtle allusions to popular games and gaming archetypes. For example: -Many elements of the plot (such as the hot-rod car and Gary's dog Bastion) are references to game-pieces from the game Monopoly. -The scene where Annie digs a bullet out of Max's arm and then sews it up is both a reference to the Monopoly thimble-piece and the children's game Operation. -During the chase scene, there are frequent shots where the camera is mounted to the back of the cars in such a way to emulate car-racing video-games. -The music includes several cues done in an 8-bit Nintendo video-game style. -Establishing shots are filmed using a photographic technique called "tilt-shift", which makes live action locations look like miniatures, and thus, like board-game pieces. Etc. There are dozens of these types of references throughout the film.


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Question: Was any of the movie shot on film? IMDb has Arri and RED digital cameras listed, but there are couple scenes (especially early on) that seem to have noticeable graininess that looks much more like traditional film grain than the digital "noise" you sometimes get in modern movies.


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