Trivia: "Avengers: Infinity War" holds several prestigious box-office records. Among others, it has the highest ever domestic opening weekend (at $257.6 million), the highest worldwide gross for a comic-book movie (at just over $2 billion as of 6/12/18), and is the fastest movie to gross $1 billion globally, reaching the number in just 11 days of release. It is also the only film ever released during the Summer movie season to hit $2 billion globally, and one of only four movies to ever reach the $2 billion mark. (The three others were holiday releases).

Trivia: Directors Joe and Anthony Russo like to put in nods to their previous works in their MCU films. In this movie, a man closely resembling Tobias Funke in his "Blue Man Group" makeup (from the series "Arrested Development") is briefly visible inside of one of the Collector's cages behind Gamora for a brief instant. It's hard to spot, but he's there.
Trivia: With the release of this film, Robert Downey Jr., who played Sherlock Holmes in a 2009 feature film and its 2011 sequel, has worked with two Watsons and a fellow Holmes in the MCU. His "Iron Man 3" co-star Ben Kingsley portrayed Watson in the comedy film "Without a Clue." His "Captain America: Civil War" co-star Martin Freeman portrays Watson alongside Benedict Cumberbatch's Holmes in the BBC series "Sherlock." And Downey stars alongside Cumberbatch in this film.
Trivia: Doctor Strange learns of the coming of Thanos after Hulk/Bruce Banner crash lands into the Sanctum Sanctorum and informs Strange of the looming threat. This is taken straight from the "Infinity Gauntlet" storyline, though there it is Silver Surfer that warns Doctor Strange.
Trivia: Stan Lee makes his customary appearance, this time as the school bus driver.
Trivia: When Star-Lord attempts to shoot Gamora with his blaster before she is taken by Thanos, Thanos uses the Reality Stone to turn his blaster into bubbles. He also later does this when Gamora attempts to stab herself. This is a reference to the fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, where attacks by Thanos often involved the use of bubbles. (00:53:30)
Trivia: The movie holds the world record for "Most times a single person has seen a movie in cinemas", held by YouTube personality Tony Mitchell. He saw the film 103 times, and both IMax and the studio as a result gave him 50 free tickets to help him break it.
Answer: From what I've read, they are chanting "yibambe," which is Xhosa for "we hold our ground."
Phaneron ★