Plot hole: When Moana first meets Muai, she opens her necklace to tell him he will restore the heart. Muai sees the heart but doesn't get scared until he sees it again on the boat. He should have been scared the first time.
Plot hole: All through the movie it is made known they have to get through TeKa to get to TaFiti. They fail and Maui leaves. Moana goes back alone and makes it through the barrier island and Maui returns to help her. The problem is he returns from the direction of TeFiti, if he can do that He could have done it all along, and therefore discovered TeFiti was gone.
Plot hole: Not knowing the twist at the end, Moana should have been overtaken by hopelessly knowing that Maui and a functioning fishhook are required to return the heart. We see right at the beginning that Maui was only able to reach the heart's resting place by transforming into a small lizard. The whole triumphant song is completely undermined as, based on available information she has 0% chance of success.
Chosen answer: There's a sign he had tools for sculpting a statue of himself from solid stone, though we never see the sculpting tools. Given the fact that he wants food and isn't dead, it's safe to assume he also had some tools available for fishing.
Phixius ★