Plot hole: After running from the pirates, the two castaways almost stumble off a cliff. Unless they were running backwards, I'm sure they would have seen the cliff coming for a while, because when the camera zooms out you can see clear terrain for at least 20 metres until the edge of the cliff.
Plot hole: The morning after Frank and Angelica sleep together the hotel manager comes to her cabin to get her for the search. He says the helicopter leaves in 20 minutes. She wakes up Frank and tells him they have to go. The next time we see them they are eating breakfast. They only have 20 minutes but that is enough time for him to go to his cabin, shower, do his hair and change, while she does the same thing. Then there is still time to go to the restaurant, order food and get it. That is some long 20 minutes.
Answer: Quin would likely have tools stored in his own airplane.
raywest ★