The Good Dinosaur

Continuity mistake: Spot finds four other humanlike creatures and goes to them. Arlo is standing several feet in front of them. He begins to push some dirt by using his nose. A close-up then shows him using his nose to draw a circle around the five others but he is standing much too far away to be able to do this.

Continuity mistake: Arlo is surrounded by a large herd of gopher-like creatures. When they begin to crawl up his legs, he flings them off and begins to run. In the long shot which follows, the creatures are no longer close together but are scattered.

Continuity mistake: A heavy rain is falling as Arlo and Spot are trapped in a rushing river. During close-ups of Arlo, the rain is falling at a sharp angle to the right. During close-ups of Spot, the rain is falling at a sharp angle to the left.

Continuity mistake: Spot finds four other humanlike creatures and goes to them. Arlo is standing several feet in front of them. He begins to push some dirt by using his nose. A close-up then shows him using his nose to draw a circle around the five others but he is standing much too far away to be able to do this.

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Poppa: Sometimes you got to get through your fear to see the beauty on the other side.

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The Good Dinosaur trivia picture

Trivia: This is possibly the hardest A113 to see, but during the scene where Arlo is carrying corn on his back and going into the chicken coop, the fence has a certain shape that makes out A113.

More trivia for The Good Dinosaur

Question: I don't get it. When Arlo finally returns end at the end of the film, why does his mother initially mistake him as her husband, Henry, when she should know Henry is dead?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: It's a momentary emotional lapse. Arlo has come back changed, and his mother is seeing him differently now, as if he is his father.


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