
Corrected entry: Just before Sidney shoots Billy in the head, look at the Ghostface mask behind his shoulder. It looks pristine, but just after you see the big flash from the gun you see the mask has dry blood over it. (01:38:20)

Correction: When Sidney shoots Billy in the face, the bullet comes out the back of his skull causing blood to pour out at the back of his head (if you look at the scene in slow motion this is very clear). Since the mask was behind his head, the blood from the back of his head splattered on the mask.

Corrected entry: In the house when Sidney is attacked for the first time, she runs into her bedroom and tries to call the police using her house phone. When she realises it's engaged (because the other house phone is off the hook), she tries to contact the police via her computer. The police subsequently turn up. Problem is she only got as far as the computer asking what her emergency was. She never stated that she needed the police, so (a) how did the emergency services know what service to send to her, and (b) how did they even know who the request was from?

Correction: 911 has the obligation to respond to every call, despite knowing who called. At times, a caller - or in this case, the typist - can't hang on the line to tell the operator what the problem is or what services are needed. Granted, fire and ambulance services should have also arrived, but that's another argument.

If it helps understand the scene a little better, the screenwriter mentions in the DVD commentary that originally there was a shot of the computer screen with her entering the address, which was, imagine that, "34 Elm Street." But they cut that part for time constrains (thankfully; it would have been terribly on the nose).


Corrected entry: At the very end when Sidney finds out who is doing the killing, and she's fighting and wrestling around on the floor with the killer, one minute she has black sneakers on, and the next minute she's wearing her boots when she walks through the door.

Correction: The black sneakers are actually the killers, the confusing part is when Sidney pokes an umbrella point in the killer and the view of the sneakers,when the killer drops his knife, are at a reverse angle which makes it look like they are Sidney's, so Sidney appears to have boots on all along.

Corrected entry: Sydney punches Gale Weathers on the left cheek outside the police station, but afterwards Gale clutches her right cheek, and it's the right cheek on which she gets a bruise. (00:35:05)


Correction: She is in fact punched on the left side of her face. After she is punched she holds her left cheek in her right hand because her microphone is in her left hand. Then the next day when Gale is putting on her make up, the bruise is on her left cheek but faded because of the make up.

Corrected entry: When Tatum is in the garage, she hears crashing noises and sees the cat. She calms herself and puts her arm on the fridge door as if she was going to close the door, but when the shot changes, her arms are still crossed and she closes the door with her foot. (01:02:30)

Correction: She just puts her hand on the door because she's in shock. She then quickly puts her other hand on the bottles of beer so they don't fall. She had no intention of closing the door with her hand.


Corrected entry: When Sidney escapes from the killer in the news van she climbs out the back door that was closed all the time. Later when Gale drives away in the van you can see that the door is still closed.

Correction: The killer could have easily closed it when she left.

Corrected entry: When Randy gets shot by Billy, he spins around on the spot yet in the next shot he's flying through the air and lands on the table.

Correction: He doesn't fly onto it, he just spins and lands on it. His feet never leave ground.

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when Billy is leaving Sidney's room, he climbs out the window and walks away, which isn't possible because all the roofs on the house are slanted and it's at least a two story house. If her bedroom's on the ground floor, why the next night does she go upstairs to get to her room?

Correction: We don't even see Billy moving away from the window long enough to determine if he's walking, crawling, jumping down from a ledge perhaps; we only see him turn away from & out of view of the window.

You actually do see him walk away in the first scene. The stairs to the roof are behind where her room would be, but you see Billy walk away to his left, which means he would have to jump two stories down. Whereas if he went the other way, he could use the stairs and walk down into the yard and walk away.

Corrected entry: As Casey's parents walk into the house and the killer holds the knife above her head to stab her, notice the amount of blood. It is insinuated that he continues to stab her, yet later, when the mom hears her on the phone, the killer raises the knife again to show that no more blood has gotten onto the knife. Kinda weird that the knife seems so clean when Casey's body is completely butchered and bloody.

Correction: It is showed later in the movie that the killer cleans his knife after every kill (demonatrated after he 'killed' Billy and Dewey). We just weren't shown that paticular cleaning.

Correction: But why would Billy or Stu wipe the blood off while killing Casey? They usually wipe it off after killing them.

Corrected entry: Sydney locks her front door with a chain lock when she's on the phone with the killer the first time, but when she opens it after Billy comes over the chain lock is gone.

Correction: The killer left the house through the front door, thus lifting the chain lock. When he then closes the door the chain lock will of course not be hooked, which is why it's not hooked when Sidney opens it later.

Corrected entry: Before Sidney invites Billy up to her room, he is wearing a blue shirt with a pattern on it. Yet, in the next scene (in her room), if you look closely, you can see that the shirt's pattern has changed.

Correction: Billy removed a blue jacket before heading upstairs so when he was upstairs he was wearing a blue checked shirt. If you look when Billy is standing in the doorway downstairs you can see the collar of the other shirt underneath.

Corrected entry: At the school the killer knocks on Principle Himbry's door, he takes a moment to open it so of course the killer could have run, but the following time the killer knocks Himbry opens the door immediately, giving the killer no time to run and hide, but there's still no sign. Is he the Flash?

Correction: I've just watched this scene and Himbry does not answer the door instantly, but in a few seconds. While the killer couldn't run north of the office in that time, there was another room south of the office just a few feet away. He would be able to hide in that room barely in time.

That's completely incorrect. I just watched the scene and timed it. It is a little under 2 and a half seconds between the knock on the door and the door being opened. There is no way that the killer was able to knock on the door, jump back inside the south room, and shut the door - silently - all within 2 and a half seconds. The original entry still stands.


Corrected entry: After Billy Loomis and Stuart "Stu" Macher are revealed as the villains, they stab each other multiple times to appear as victims. Billy cuts Stu too deep, and Stu begins feeling weak and bleeding profusely from his wounds, showing that he may be dying. When Sidney (in the Ghostface costume) stabs Billy with the umbrella, Stu's rage takes over and he suddenly has the dangerous energy to battle Sidney in the living room. Stu nearly kills Sidney, until she pushes the TV on his head. If Stu was dying in the kitchen, how does he have all that energy to fight Sidney?

Correction: At this point he is fully working on adrenaline. He probably was feeling weak because he realised he might be dying and he saw all that blood and got shocked from it (he is kinda crazy), until his anger took over again. He would have probably collapsed right after, if he avoided getting killed.


Corrected entry: When Sydney is attacked by Ghostface in the bathroom at school, Ghostface is wearing black pants and boots, but when Sydney, Billy, Stu, and Tatum are talking in front of the lockers seconds before Sydney goes into the bathroom Billy is wearing blue jeans and vans, and Stu is wearing tan pants and brown boots. How did either one of them change clothes that quickly?


Correction: The attacker in the bathroom wasn't Stu or Billy. Its more likely this was a prankster as he didn't have a knife and it would be too risky for either of them to try and kill her in the bathroom.

Correction: I just re-watched the scene with Billy before the bathroom, and we never see his shoes. He is wearing jeans, though, so it was probably him in the bathroom.

Corrected entry: During the final scene in the house after Billy and Stu are revealed as the killers, Billy and Stu showed that they put a great deal of effort in planning the murders and the cover ups. But they seemed to forget their fingerprints. Their prints were on the cell phone and voice distorter they put in Mr. Prescott's coat pocket.

Correction: There are many ways to conceal fingerprints. One common way is to smear Elmer's glue on the tips of your fingers and let it dry. It is not easy to notice and effectively eliminates your fingerprints. Since they had to touch many things while committing the murders, but still had to appear as themselves, they very likely used a similar method.

If they tampered with their own fingertips, that would be found out easily when they are rescued later, and a quick wipe is easier - they didn't need to erase their fingertips from everything, just the more incriminating items.


Correction: It is also possible Billy and Stu forgot about it. They were obsessed with their plan they just didn't think it through.

Correction: They may well have planned to wipe the prints off after killing Sidney.


Corrected entry: When the killer comes out of the house, and pulls the knife out of Dewey's back, look close, and you can see that although the knife was in his back very deep, it is totally clean. (01:23:45)


Correction: The killer pulls the knife out of his back and wipes it with the sleeve of his costume.It is certainly not clear enough to see the blade the second he pulls it out of Dewey's back.

It is perhaps always best to err on the caution's side, but the impression is that the blade is in fact awfully clean, especially for being lodged deep inside the back.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Sidney is in the car with the camera man, she sees Ghostface walking behind an intoxicated Randy, but later when she is approached by Stu and Randy (both saying the other is Ghostface), she locks them both out.

Correction: She's panicking and can't think straight.

Correction: Perhaps Sidney was also starting to suspect that there could be two killers. Billy did conveniently show up minutes after she was attacked and, even if Ghostface were approaching Randy from behind, he's somehow left alive. So Sidney might have subconsciously started thinking about things that didn't add up.


Corrected entry: Just after the curfew has been set, Tatum and Sidney go to the store, you can see a reflection of Ghostface but, surely the shopkeeper or anyone would notice a man walk in dressed head to toe like a serial killer with a ghost mask?

Correction: It is possible that the killer brought the costume into the store with him in a bag and changed in the back or something, therefore no one would have seen him come in wearing the costume.

Correction: Someone may well have noticed, but depending on how big the store is and who happened to be up front, the costumed loiterer may not have been confronted as quickly as we might imagine. A customer or store clerk may have taken the time to inform management or security rather than handle it themselves.


Corrected entry: At the end when Billy uses the voice changer and says time to guess how I'm gonna die, his voice doesn't match the polished voice we heard earlier in the movie on the phone.


Correction: That's because he's screaming it into the voice changer. And he no longer has to hide who he is anyway; Sidney knows he's the killer.

Corrected entry: (SPOILER)This may be an actual character mistake rather than a goof, but when Billy reveals that the "blood" on his shirt from when the killer "stabbed" him was actually corn syrup, he also has himself stabbed for real, to corroborate his story. But the problem is, it's the same shirt (as demonstrated when he licks some blood off of it and explains it was corn syrup.) So how would he have explained how corn syrup got onto his shirt while he was fighting off a killer?

Correction: Billy only made it look like he was stabbed to fool Sidney. There is nothing to say that he wouldn't change his shirt and make it look like he was wearing that when he was stabbed, before the police arrived.


Scream mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end when Sidney's dad falls out of the closet, if you look closely you can see the hands of a crewmember who was in there too, pushing items out after him. (01:42:40)

Jon Sandys

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Randy: There are certain rules one must abide in order to sucuessfully survive a horror movie, rule number one, you can never have sex.
[Everyone jeers.]
Randy: Big no-no! Big no-no!
Stu: I'd be a dead man.
Randy: Rule number two, you can never drink or do drugs. [Everyone clacks their beers together.] It's the sin factor. An extension of number one. And number three, never, ever, under any circumstances say "I'll be right back." Because you won't be back.
Stu: Hey, I'm gettin' another beer, you want one?
Randy: Yeah, sure.
Stu: [Dramatically.] I'll be right back!
Randy: Yeah, you bent the rules. I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife.

More quotes from Scream

Trivia: The murder of Principal Himbry was added after producer Bob Weinstein noticed there were about thirty pages in the script (which roughly translates to thirty minutes of screen time) in which nobody died. The scene also resolved the climax at Stu's party, as it gave all the guests a reason to leave.

Cubs Fan

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Question: Why didn't Casey ring the police, after the call when she realied he was taunting and making threats?

Answer: Landline phones like the one used in the movie cannot dial out a phone number while the line is active. Considering the killer is continuously calling her, she can't dial out on the phone line. This is referenced in the movie itself when her parents arrive home, attempt to dial 911, and can't due to the line still being active.

Answer: Characters in horror movies are notorious for not doing the most obvious things. It's most likely that she was scared and not thinking straight at receiving numerous threatening phone calls, particularly when she is threatened after hanging up on the killer.


Also, when she told the caller that she was "two seconds away from calling the police", his response was that they'd never make it in time. She also knew he was nearby as he made comments that indicated he could see her. She didn't know it was someone that knew her. She's a teenager and scared, so her judgement was clouded. She reached a point where she believed her only chance was to get away from him by either fighting him or getting out and hiding somewhere outside.


Even in real life, people don't always think of something obvious when a situation is actually happening. I was a victim of armed robbery and almost died. No matter how much you read/hear about what to do in those situations, actually being in one is much different. It's easy for someone else to observe and say what a person should have done.


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