Factual error: It's the one year anniversary of Laura's death, which, according to what is stated on the LiveLeak page and other parts of the movie, happened on April 12, 2013. The clock on the computer desktop says "Mon 8:57", but April 12, 2014 would be a Saturday. (00:00:40)
Factual error: At the end when you see Blaire's Facebook wall, you see a post under the newly uploaded Laura video that says "Sending love across the veil to a truly great friend, RIP Laura" this message was posted March 9 but the movie says her death date was April 12, 2013. (01:15:21 - 01:20:20)
Factual error: When Laura Barns is counting down the final time and each number show up as a notification in the upper right hand corner, they should also show up under the Skype chat but instead, Laura's previous message remains.
Factual error: Blaire shares her entire screen to everyone to show the "EXPOSURE" link, but didn't unshare it and she still messages to Mitch privately, Since the screen is shared to all it should be visible to everyone.
Factual error: Since the POV of the movie is from Blaire Lily's computer screen, Blaire's video feed should not have any lag or connection issues.
Answer: Given the scene at the end of the film (the computer slams shut and Laura attacks Blaire) is in a POV, it should be assumed that it takes place through the eyes of Blaire.