Paul Benjamin: If you're gonna die, what's more important, and good book or a good smoke? So he smoked his book.
Auggie Wren: If you can't share your secrets with your friends then what kind of friend are you?
Paul Benjamin: Exactly... life just wouldn't be worth living.
OTB Man #1, Tommy: Look, I'm telling you, there's gonna be another war. I mean, those slobs in the Pentagon are gonna be out of job unless they find a new enemy. They got this Saddam character now, and they're going to hit him with all they've got. Mark my words.
Paul Benjamin: Slow down, huh?
Auggie Wren: That's what I recommend. You know how it is. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. Time creeps in its petty pace.
Auggie Wren: If it happens it happens. If it doesn't it doesn't. You understand what I'm sayin'? You never know what's gonna happen next. And the moment you think you do, that's the moment you don't know a goddamn thing. This is what we call a paradox. Are ya following me?
Jimmy Rose: Yeah, I follow ya Auggie. Um, when you don't know nuthin' it's like paradise. I know what that is. That's after you're dead, and you go up to heaven and you sit with the angels.