Hugh: It could look like someone you know or it could be a stranger in a crowd. Whatever helps it get close to you.
Yara: When I was a little girl my parents would not allow me to go south of 8th mile. And I did not even know what that meant until I got a little older. And I started realizing that. That was where the city started and the suburbs ended. And I used to think about how shitty and weird was that. I mean I had to ask permission to go to the state fair with my best friend and her parents only because it was a few blocks past the border.
Greg Hannigan: What the fuck mom?
Hugh: Okay, even thought it is following you I can still see it. It is not done with me either. Okay, like I told you, all you can do is pass it on to someone else.
Kelly Height: What the fuck are you talking about?
Hugh: She can do the same thing I did. It should be easier for her, she is a girl. Any guy would be with you. Just sleep with someone else and tell him to do the same thing. Maybe it will never come back.
Answer: None of their previous attempts worked, so they were willing to try any method they could think of to kill it. If electrocution didn't work, then they would know they have to keep trying and hopefully will find some lethal manner of eliminating it.