Back to the Future Part III

Question: Marty tells Doc that they are out of fuel as the fuel line ripped on the car. Wouldn't it have made more sense for them to uncover the DeLorean that Doc buried, put a piece of paper on the seat with a note saying something like... "Oh Marty, I forgot to mention in my letter that the car needs some extra fuel. Keep a can of gas with you in the car at all times" - Hey presto, Marty would have arrived with extra fuel! Now obviously I hear you shouting "continuity" and "It would be an alternate timeline like in part 2" - But that didn't stop Biff taking the car back to the 2015 Doc and Marty were in, despite Doc later saying if they travelled into the future it would be the rich Biff reality.

Answer: Although Biff in part 2 is its own set of problems, the answer to your question actually doesn't have anything to do with continuity or alternate timelines. They can't risk disturbing the Delorean that Doc burried in any way. It has to remain exactly as it is, otherwise at best Marty is stuck in 1955, or at worst they create a paradox that destroys the universe. It is best to ignore the buried Delorean, any attempts to get to it could lead to it being damaged, or even worse could lead to it being discovered in the 70 years it has to remain in that mine.


Answer: It would have been easier for Marry and Doc to go down to Western Union and ask for a second letter to be delivered with the first. The letter would say "Ignore the comment in the first letter about not going back to 1885, please come to 1885 and bring some extra fuel with you"

Question: How did Doc power the Flux Capacitor on his new time-traveling train?

Answer: Steam, the whole thing is steam powered. He has just modified the train itself, probably making it much more efficient.

David Mercier

Question: Is it me, or does Doc's car in 1955 look like the one that Mr. Miyagi gave Daniel for his birthday in the first Karate Kid? It's best noticed as Marty is backing up the time machine at the drive-in.

Answer: Nah, Doc's car in this movie is a 1949 Packard Super Eight Convertible. The car gifted to Daniel in Karate Kid is a 1947 Ford Super Deluxe. Biff's car is a Ford Super Deluxe too though, although a 1946. Maybe you are confusing it with that.


Question: How did the new gauge in the car read the boiler temperature? It wasn't connected to the train at all.

Answer: It was based on the speed the train, and therefore the car, was travelling.

Question: Considering what happened with Old Biff and the Almanac in 2015, why did Doc not bother to ask Marty about the whereabouts of the DeLorean upon returning to 1985 in the train? Wouldn't he want to make sure it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands again? I mean he can see a bit of debris when he leans out the window, but that could have fallen off a passing scrap metal train or anything.

Answer: He's already been to the future, so it's possible (probable, even) that he spoke to Marty then and found out that the DeLorean had been destroyed in 1985.

Answer: Many people theorized that since Doc technically was the one that told Marty what time enter on the keypad as when they would arrive in 1985. It's plausible that Doc had planned the DeLorean to be destroyed by the train when they arrived. Remember the original plan was for Doc and Marty to go back together but then Clara showed up and complicated the plan (again). It's quite possible that when they arrived together in 1985 Doc would have warned Marty what was about to happen and they would exited the car long beforehand then to witness the DeLorean's destruction.

Answer: There was actually much debris (the entire car) around the track that Doc surveys as soon as he arrives with the time-travel train. He'd know better than anyone that it was the DeLorean, particularly as he planned his arrival for just a few minutes behind when Marty arrived back in 1985. Marty couldn't have done anything with the DeLorean in such a short amount of time.


Question: After deciding not to race Needles, Jennifer looks at the fax that she took from 2015 and sees that the words "YOU'RE FIRED!" were erased. Why didn't the name of the company also get erased?

Answer: The company would still be in the future, Marty wouldn't be working for it. His career as a musician would have taken off.

Question: Just wanting to know about the animal running in front of the Native Americans when Marty travels back to 1885. Looks like a dog, but was it meant to be there, or was it an animal that was disturbed as they did the scene and it bolted for its life?

Answer: It is a rabbit that probably got disturbed by the filming.


Factual error: When Marty goes to meet Mad Dog Tannen for the duel, in the background on the right side is the current flag of California. But that flag did not become the state flag of California until 1911, so would not have been around in 1885.

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Marty McFly: Hey, Doc! Where you goin' now? Back to the future?
Doc: Nope. Already been there.

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