Keith: Although I was only gone for a few hours, I found myself missing you. Now, it's quite possible that if I'd stayed away a few more hours I'd have just completely got over that, but now we'll never know.
Karen: Do you realize how amazing this is? These people are the gods of our time.
Keith: Yeah, I'm not sure anyone in the Screen Actors Guild should really be called a god.
Karen: Every society back to ancient times had gods. I'm minoring in anthropology. First it was the stars and the sun, then the Greeks and Romans anthropomorphized them. Then, we had monotheism, and in today's culture our gods are celebrities.
Holly Carpenter: Hey! I'm driving you home.
Keith Michaels: Wow. This is a full service restaurant.
Holly Carpenter: Well, you had two glasses and you had two at the bar. And if you die I don't get to take your course and it's gonna screw up my whole schedule.
Keith Michaels: What about my car?
Holly Carpenter: It's a Hyundai. It'll be there in the morning.
Jim: When I was younger, I thought having the perfect Shakespeare quote for every situation would make me beloved.
Keith Michaels: It's surprisingly unhelpful.
Jim: Yeah, it seems to really annoy people.
Andrea Stein-Rosen: I don't think I go that deep. That's what everybody keeps telling me, anyways.
Keith Michaels: Well, let's prove everybody wrong.
Keith Michaels: Everyone loves Betty White.