Trivia: Staff Sergeant Collier's nickname, "War Daddy" is based on the nickname of real World War 2 Sherman tank commander Staff Sergeant Lafayette G. Pool, who fought with the 3rd Armored Division. Pool survived the war (though he lost a leg from his last combat operation) and died in 1991.
Trivia: Michael Pena, who played Gordo, actually learned how to drive the vintage Sherman tank that was used in the film.
Trivia: Actor Shia LeBeouf, a dedicated method actor who attempts to 'become' his role, avoided bathing for weeks before shooting. The actor had a dentist in Mexico pull a tooth before filming, and cut himself on set several times so he could display realistic wounds for the camera.
Trivia: The sound effects of high-velocity shells are created by the sound of spinning Frisbees taped with whistles mixed with sound of real shell pass-by.
Answer: There are probably a number of ways to interpret the quote, to be debated in a different forum. He's just saying thoughts about how to make the world a better place are peaceful. Rarely do people see war as a means to bring about peace. but as history shows us, war and violence often occur as a result of wanting change. Think about the 60's Civil Rights movements. Ideally, all men should be treated equally and there should be no segregation, but opposition to this resulted in violence (and to the opposition, ideally it would be better if races kept to themselves).