Rio Bravo

Rio Bravo (1959)

1 suggested correction

(5 votes)

Other mistake: When Joe shoots the person at the beginning of the movie the character is played by Bing Russell (Kurt's father). Later in the movie when Dude is ambushed at the entrance to the town, they give a guy his hat to impersonate Dude - it's Bing Russell again, after he was killed off at the beginning and why Joe is arrested in the first place.


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Suggested correction: The actor in that scene is not Bing Russell.

Continuity mistake: In the film's climax, Ricky Nelson is shooting out a window. A bullet hits on the frame and gouges the wood. In the next camera shot of Ricky the gouge is gone and the following shot, it is back.

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Feathers: I thought you were never going to say it.
John T. Chance: Say what?
Feathers: That you love me.
John T. Chance: I said I'd arrest you.
Feathers: It means the same thing, you know that.

More quotes from Rio Bravo

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