Repo Man

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, when the policeman is asking the driver for his keys, the driver is not wearing his glasses. In all other shots he is. (00:03:40)


Continuity mistake: In the opening scene the car's number plate changes from K88-283 to 127-GBH. (00:03:50)


Repo Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The first car he jacks is a white 4 door Oldsmobile Cutlass salon, and a 2 door Olds Cutlass Supreme in the next. (00:09:30)

Continuity mistake: When Marlene buzzes Otto into the office she is holding a telephone, but in the next shot she is holding a pen. (00:12:25)


Continuity mistake: When Otto and Kevin are talking about being a fry cook, Kevin's mail is underneath the newspaper. In the next shot it is on top of it. (00:15:40)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is talking to the old lady in her home he finishes the conversation and then puts the tea cup to his lips for a drink. Then cut to a new angle (as the woman's young family members enter her home) and suddenly Otto is holding the tea cup in his lap. (00:42:40)

Jack Vaughan

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, the motorcycle patrolman asks the driver for the keys to check the trunk. We see him get vaporized and the keys dangling from the trunk, then without getting out of the car, the driver drives away with the keys no longer dangling.

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, after the Malibu is pulled over and the cop approaches from the rear, the person in the driver seat is very short and is not Fox Harris, who is much taller as seen driving throughout the movie.

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, the motorcycle patrolman asks the driver for the keys to check the trunk. We see him get vaporized and the keys dangling from the trunk, then without getting out of the car, the driver drives away with the keys no longer dangling.

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Bud: Goddamn-dipshit-Rodriguez-gypsy-dildo-punks. I'll get your ass.

More quotes from Repo Man

Trivia: All of the Repo Men except Otto are named after brands of American beer: Bud (Budweiser), Miller, Lite (Miller Lite), and Oly (Olympia).

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