Title Card: Chaos is order yet undeciphered.
Anthony: The fuck is this place? You live here?
Teacher at School: Where There's a Will There's a Way.
Anthony: It's true.
Teacher at School: No, it's a movie, I saw it a little while ago but um... I remember it was... I liked it.
Anthony: Hmm. Where There's a Will There's a Way.
Teacher at School: Yeah, that's it. Local film, if you.
Anthony: I'll keep it in mind.
Security Guard: Anthony? Anthony! Hey. Long time, no see. I couldn't tell it was you with that beard. Is that for a movie?
Anthony: Yeah.
Security Guard: Hey, you haven't been around here for ages.
Anthony: Yeah, I don't know how long it's been.
Security Guard: Six months, I'd say.
Anthony: Six months... or more.