Charlie: $200 is about to go to the shit house and Lenny doesn't wanna answer the phone.
Iris: So, what are you doing in Las Vegas?
Raymond: We're counting cards.
Iris: You're counting cards?
Raymond: We're counting cards.
Iris: That's interesting.
Raymond: We're counting cards.
Iris: I know you're counting cards, what else are you doing?
Raymond: Are you taking any prescription medication?
Charlie: Ray, we're at an airport. People fly out of airports. What'd you think we're doing here this whole time?
Charlie: Ray, all airlines have crashed at one time or another, that doesn't mean that they are not safe.
Raymond: Qantas. qantas never crashed.
Charlie: Qantas?
Raymond: Never crashed.
Charlie: Oh that's gonna do me a lot of good because qantas doesn't fly to Los Angeles out of Cincinnati, you have to get to Melbourne! Melbourne, Australia in order to get the plane that flies to Los Angeles.
Charlie: What's it going to be Ray? What's it going to be?
Raymond: This is a very dangerous highway.
Charlie: How am I going to get to LA?
Raymond: Course driving your car on this interstate is very dangerous.
Charlie: You want to get off the highway will that make you happy?
Raymond: Yeah.
Charlie: Yeah, well you gotta GET in THE CAR SO that WE CAN GET OFF THE highway.
Raymond: Course in 1986 46,400 male drivers were definitely involved in fatal accidents.
Dr. Bruner: Well, Raymond? Aren't you more comfortable in your favorite K-Mart clothes?
Charlie: Tell him, Ray.
Raymond: K-Mart sucks.
Dr. Bruner: Oh, I see.
Charlie: Hey, Ray: you just made a joke.
Raymond: Yeah, a joke. Ha ha ha... ha.
Answer: Susanna was there as well; Charlie just used the "date" as a reason for the three of them to go down for a drink together. He knew Iris wouldn't show up.