Lillian Gorfein: Where's his scrotum?
Roland Turner: What's the "N" stand for? Lou N. Davis?
Llewyn Davis: Llewyn. Llewyn, L-L-E-W-Y-N. It's Welsh.
Roland Turner: Well, it would have to be something, stupid fucking name like that. You don't look Welsh.
Llewyn Davis: In my experience, the world's divided into two kinds of people. Those who divide the world into two kinds of people.
Jean: And losers?
Llewyn Davis: What is his thing?
Jim: Huh?
Llewyn Davis: Him. Troy.
Jim: Wonderful performer.
Llewyn Davis: Is he?
Jim: Wonderful.
Llewyn Davis: Does he have a higher function?
Jean: Everything you touch turns to shit, you're like king Midas' idiot brother.
Llewyn Davis: I lost their fucking cat, I feel bad about it.
Jean: That's what you feel bad about?
Roland Turner: Folk singer with a cat. You queer?
Llewyn Davis: If it was never new, and it never gets old, then it's a folk song.
Bud Grossman: I don't see a lot of money here.
Llewyn Davis: I'm tired. I thought I just needed a night's sleep but it's more than that.
Jean: You don't want to go anywhere, and that's why the same shit's going to keep happening to you, because you want it to.
Llewyn Davis: Is that why?
Jean: Yes, and also because you're an asshole.
Roland Turner: A solo act?
Llewyn Davis: No, I had a partner... he threw himself off the George Washington Bridge.
Roland Turner: George Washington Bridge? You throw yourself off the Brooklyn Bridge, traditionally. George Washington Bridge? Who does that?
Llewyn Davis: Holy shit! Oh, oh this is good, you got a new cat?
Llewyn Davis: What is that? What are you doing?
Lillian Gorfein: It's Mike's part.
Llewyn Davis: Don't do that.
Lillian Gorfein: It's Mike's part.
Llewyn Davis: I know that it is. Don't do that. Oh well. You know what, this is bullshit. I'm sorry... I don't do this, okay? I do this for a living. It's not a, not a fucking parlor game.