Trivia: The first MCU movie to feature the word "fuck", when Quill tells Nebula to "open the fucking door", a line that was improvised on-set and kept in because it was so funny. James Gunn anticipated being told to cut it out, but Kevin Feige left it up to Gunn's discretion. Feige said the Russo brothers had a "fuck" in an early cut of Avengers: Endgame, but they "didn't want that to be their legacy, so if you want that to be your legacy, then sure." James Gunn said that just made him even more keen to keep the line in, at which Feige "laughed his ass off."

Trivia: Harriet's chair in the spirit session is styled after the vehicles in the Haunted Mansion theme park ride.

Trivia: The tiny pizza being embiggened by Hank is a deliberate nod by Peyton Reed to Back to the Future Part II, where a similar thing happens. Reed directed some behind the scenes footage for that film very early in his career.

Trivia: Nicolas Cage is well-known for turning down roles if he doesn't play the lead character. However, he agreed to do this film as he's always wanted to play Count Dracula, even though Nicholas Hoult is the lead character.

Trivia: This is the first Willy Wonka movie not to receive any Academy Award nominations.

Trivia: Composer Jerskin Fendrix has a cameo as the musician playing the strange instrument in the Lisbon restaurant dance scene.

Trivia: At the end of the film Audrey (Jennifer Aniston) and Nick are in the helicopter there is a piece of cloth behind them that says Vikram. Vikram is the name used by Ross on Friends (starring Aniston) for Phoebe's fake boyfriend.

Trivia: Jennifer Lawrence has stated that everyone in her professional and personal life kept asking her over and over if she really wanted to do the scripted nude fight scene, which she could have vetoed as a producer. However, she thought the idea of getting angry and beating up a bunch of drunk teenagers after skinny-dipping was absolutely hilarious, and had to keep reassuring everyone that she had no problems with it.

Trivia: The bottom of the alien's ladder looks the same as the part the mechanic puts in Augie's car.