Factual error: El Paso, Texas, where the entire movie is set, is nowhere near the ocean or large enough bodies of water where a marina with moorings for megayachts could be located. The yacht scene, while fanciful, could not have taken place in El Paso or anywhere reasonably nearby (even by US standards).

Factual error: Mount Fuji lies near Tokyo. Yet you see Mount Fuji from the train between Nagoya and Kyoto. That is not possible.

Factual error: The teacher sends her pupils to the woods to collect chestnuts. Later we learn that the date when all this happened is May 30th. Chestnuts ripen in autumn, around September-October. (00:52:18 - 01:05:06)

Factual error: On July 4, Kya waits for Tate, watching the sun set and the fireworks at night. She falls asleep on the shore and wakes up in the same position, watching the sun rise. So the sun sets and rises in the same position. (00:55:40)

Factual error: Mary Jane said, "I spent seven days in a pitch-black shipping container with no food or water and nine other girls." A human can go 2-3 days without water, but not 7. (00:37:18)

Factual error: While the "life hack" of charging using a North American plug into a light socket might work, the use of a wedding ring to shorten the distance between the charger prongs and the fixtures, as depicted in the movie, would definitely not work, as there are two prongs that both need connection. All the wedding ring would do is to short out the connection.

Factual error: When Danny and Sarah cut in front of the truck to take another route, there were at least 14-17 bullet holes through the rear window alone. Glass on that year of Mustang was not laminated and the bullets would have struck them. (01:27:35)

Factual error: The land was snow-covered, but it was raining during the nighttime "bedroom scene." The exterior view the next morning was not what would be expected IF it had rained on top of the already-accumulated snow. There wasn't even any indication that it had recently rained. At another time, the amount of snow accumulated along the driveway was much higher than previously shown although there had not been any obvious major storms - the weather was clear during their excursions. (00:13:38)

Factual error: Although the helium balloons moved some of the time, they did not move other times when they should have. The balloons next to Kim moved when Orlando came in the door and when she walked out the kitchen and stood next to them, but later did not. The helium balloons near the window did not move when Orlando walked by, but they did move when he backtracked. The red balloons on the chair did not move, but - even if not helium-filled - should have moved when Orlando walked past them. (00:02:32)

Factual error: The "X"s crossing out days on Don's calendar indicated it was Thursday June 9, 2021 [but June 9th actually fell on a Wednesday]. Allen was watching a TV show that aired 12:30 - 2:30 AM, so Allen was smoking outside in the dark during the early morning hours of Friday June 10th. A Full Moon was shown after Allen was watching TV and before he went outside. Full Moon didn't occur until June 24, 2021 (about two weeks later) during daytime hours (11:39 AM - 2:39 PM, depending on the time zone - 1:39 in OK). (00:19:37 - 00:30:19)

Factual error: Henry appeared to punch Jason higher on his left side and more toward the back than where the bruise was later shown to be (closer to his waist). More significantly, the bruise quickly changed colors from red/blue-purple to the entire large area being bluish-purple and deep purple. However, bruises typically take at least one or two days to change to deep purple. (00:45:55 - 00:49:19)

Factual error: Considering everything that happens after Lester comes down the stairs at Samantha's house around 10:05 PM, it is impossible for it to only be 10:15 when she sits down to eat pizza. Their scuffle and Samantha somehow getting Lester zip-tied in a chair alone would take much longer than 10 minutes. (00:15:42 - 00:38:28)

Factual error: Doctor Key tells Mary, "If you pose a threat to those around you, we will be forced to keep you here [hospital] longer. That means your son will be placed in foster care." Family members, such as the grandmother and uncle currently taking care of Tony, are preferred before placement in foster care. Foster care is usually considered among the last resorts, not first, and only when there are no suitable family members or significant others to provide temporary care for a minor. [SPOILER: It isn't known that the grandmother and uncle aren't biological relatives.] (00:29:15)

Factual error: When they were driving away from the bar, neither Zoe (driver) nor Breslin fastened their seatbelts. Seatbelts are mandatory in New York for the driver and passenger (s) and failure to "buckle up" is classified as a primary offense, meaning no other violation must be observed before police can stop and cite violators. (00:57:25)

Factual error: It's winter in Montana, yet there are rattlesnakes out in the cold.

Factual error: North Carolina prohibits the tattooing of minors (under 18-years-old) and is not a state that allows minors to be tattooed even with prior consent from a parent or guardian. The Fort Bragg army man gave his son (clearly a minor, about 10-years-old) birthday money to pay for the tattoo and his permission to get a tattoo. (00:14:23)

Factual error: When Laura dropped Cody off at school, there was one boy (far left side of screen) wearing shorts. In 1950s (and later) California, boys were required to wear long pants to school (no shorts!) and girls had to wear dresses. (00:15:26)

Factual error: During the storage unit robbery in the beginning of the film, simply knocking the combination dial off the safe would not have caused the bolts to suddenly retract. It would defeat the entire purpose of having a combination lock. Even inexpensive safes have mechanisms to prevent this from happening.