Meridian Clade: They're Teenagers! Boundaries.

Richard Fink: You've been living in the Sunset Towel for over a year.
Nick Cage: They love having me there.
Richard Fink: You owe them $600,000.
Nick Cage: OK, I'm going to deal with all that.
Nick Cage: I'm going to get this next role. And when I do, all of that changes. Then, I'll be back.
Richard Fink: Not that you went anywhere.

Hercule Poirot: How many great stories are tragedies?

Timlin: Surgery is the new sex. (00:28:15)

Ramonda: I am Queen of the most powerful nation in the world! And my entire family is gone! Have I not given everything?

Abnesti: The time to worry about crossing lines was... a lot of lines ago.

Linda: I'll never get over the fact that you grew up like this.
Jason: My therapist says I'll never get over it either.

Chef Slowik: Jeremy, do you want my life?

Lee: You don't think I'm a bad person?
Maren: All I think is that I love you.

Elvis Cooney: What kind of a B-grade movie is this? (01:17:02)

Vick Wallinger: We cannot afford the embarrassment of a prosecution. I need to know the man I send can do what's necessary.
Henry Pelham: You gonna say it?
Vick Wallinger: No, Henry, I'm not.

Justin Ross: Pete, did you crawl here?
Pete: Oh, sorry. There was just a lot of traffic, and I tried to.
Justin Ross: Shhh. The grown-ups are talking.