Best action movie factual errors of 2022

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Prey picture

Factual error: The movie is set in the Northern Great Plains of the United States, and the tribe is identified as Comanche, but the Comanche were located in the Southern Great Plains, across present-day northwestern Texas, eastern New Mexico, southeastern Colorado, southwestern Kansas, and western Oklahoma.


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Amityville Uprising picture

Factual error: Sam Cooper's Rx label was for Alprazolam (generic Xanax) 2 mg, qty #150, refill 2x, and "take 1 tablet by mouth as needed." "Must last _" length was not visible and there could have been warning stickers (may cause drowsiness) on the other side. However, Xanax is a fast-acting tranquilizer which should last 6 hours and the dosage should not exceed 10 mg per day. The instructions to "take 1 tablet by mouth as needed" should have had restrictions attached to prevent serious side-effects/death. (00:49:38)


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Lightyear picture

Factual error: The film gets basic physics wrong while trying to depict relativity. Buzz Lightyear leaves T'Kani Prime for a trip around its sun, travels with near-light speed, and returns four years later. This could only have happened if T'Kani Prime's sun were at least two lightyears away! It gets more ridiculous. Buzz's last trip takes 26 years, even though he has traveled at faster-than-light speed. Overall, T'Kani Prime is experiencing either a mysterious time slow-down or a rapid orbit expansion.


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Jurassic Domination picture

Factual error: When the Allosaurus bent over to pick up her egg (which was almost touching a newly-thrown hand grenade), the hand grenade exploded only toward the right of the screen, engulfing the dinosaur. A hand grenade would/should explode in all directions. (01:19:30)


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Interceptor picture

Factual error: The nuclear missiles are shown in flight numerous times. They're travelling horizontally, and have their rocket motors on. Except that long range nuclear missiles are ballistic, and follow a curved path to and from space. And their rocket motors are on only for the thrust phase of the flight, and not halfway to the target.


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Bullet Proof picture

Factual error: The Thief's getaway car's front license plate had "Glorious Pacific Northwest" across the top but failed to identify the State. A front and rear license plate is required in Washington (The Evergreen State). In the event this was supposed to be a vanity plate, "Washington" would still be required on the plate. (00:09:40)


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